Did you watch CSI last night??? (Spoiler)

The wrong episode recorded. The one we watched was about those stupid mineratures! Aaaaaaaahhhh! Warrick's dead! Why do all the pretty ones die?! He's my fave too!! I can't believe I missed it. Tell me if anyone sees ahen it's gonna be on again.
I thought they may save him next season, as well. Warrick was one of my favorite characters! He was still alive when they last showed his face. Maybe they will not get rid of him...and the big boss will get what he deserves.!!

Warrick was one of my faves, and I think they did this so that they don't have to bring him into the next season, but gave him an injury that could possibly be saved if they really end up being able to, I think they're waiting to see what legally happens to him and if he cleans up.

The whole show I had a feeling he was going to get pwned. The restaurant scene was way to happy, my bff and I were going OH NO SOMEONES GOING TO DIE! SOMEONES GONNA GET SHOT! I BET ITS WARRICK WHEN HE LEAVES! And low and behold. As soon as I saw him get into his car I was like yeah, he's going bye bye. And then that guy came and wouldn't stop complimenting him. I was like if you're going to shoot someone get it over with, dont make stupid chit chat. But I was still very sad.
He was so smexy.
I was bummed too!
I like Warrick's character...the beautiful eyes are a nice +. LOL
I knew what was coming...sigh...

It's a cliffhanger ending, so you never know...if he goes to jail for possession, then he'll die, but if he gets probation, he'll survive.

Remember that Nick and Sarah were gonna be killed off when they were asking for more $$$...
I don't watch Miami: can't stand Caruso...LOL
I watch NY for Gary Sinise even though the accents rub me the wrong way...
OH MY GOD I KNOW! Seriously, I want to take a baseball bat to his face every time he talks. Even when he's NOT talking he pisses me off. I mean, is he a robot? Seriously? He reminds me of how everyone acted in the last two matrix's, absolutely no personality. And like he's so bad ass. Ugg, just thinking about him gets me ticked!
OH MY GOD I KNOW! Seriously, I want to take a baseball bat to his face every time he talks. Even when he's NOT talking he pisses me off. I mean, is he a robot? Seriously? He reminds me of how everyone acted in the last two matrix's, absolutely no personality. And like he's so bad ass. Ugg, just thinking about him gets me ticked!

I thought I was the only one. My DH gets mad when I turn the chanell on that..
. Did you see when his wife died on the show. He was like normal. I would have been freakin out.
Warrick was so hot, how depressing that I'm not going to be able to see him once a week
That is a bum deal man.

And I personally like Horatio....*ducks flying chicken poo*
*Warrick Brown rocked, but I don't think he's salvageable with those wounds. . . Does anybody know if Sarah's coming back at all?? Grissom took her leaving with his kid WAY too easy, if you ask me!!!!

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