**Digging my way to the coop. GOT SNOW?**

Do you shovel for your chickens?

  • Yes, of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Um, no. It'll melt & they can play charades until then.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes, depends how deep it is.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • It doesn't snow where I live. (lucky you!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It snowed yesterday and it's snowing now. The weather report calls for more snow tomorrow. It snowed last week on and off and it will do the same next week (only with much colder temps). Haven't really seen the sun for a whole day in a couple weeks. Don't plan to see it again for a whole day for a couple more months. It's like some sad old Norwegian saga where the sun doesn't shine for years. At least it seems that way. Just the winters that we get here. Had the coop door open all day today and yesterday. The turkeys like to come out and the peafowl and chickens will make an appearance outside for a while. The turkeys keep the run packed down well so the other birds can run around. Everyone is waiting for spring, but that is a long way off. At least the days are getting longer so that I get to spend some time with the birds before I close up the coop. For about the last month the birds are on the roost by the time I get home from work. They got a nice wholewheat bread treat before bed tonight. I'll be running the snowblower again tomorrow night when I get home. Should have about 5 new inches of snow by then. The snowblower has been getting a workout this winter.

This was taken about a month ago. I need to get some new pics.


here are some birds outside a few weeks back



here is a pic taken during our first big snow in November


think spring
My favorite piece of "farm" equipment around here would have to be my SNOW BLOWER!
I would prob curl up and dye in the winter without it. It makes a lovely 18" wide path all the way out to the coop then rids the run of snow in a matter of minutes! I also use it to make paths in the pasture for the mini horses from the gate, to food and water, to the shelter. The snow can get over 5' deep here...
Wow!!! I guess that's part of the deal living near the Great Lakes, right? It sure is pretty, but I think if we had more than one or two of these types of storms per year, I'd be packing up a truck to move to the southeast!
We just finished hand-shoveling our 200 foot driveway at 6 p.m. ... have resisted the snowblower so far, but I was wishing we had one for this storm! We got 2 ft, like most of the rest of Connecticut, but it was pretty heavy/wet snow for here. My husband has taken to calling Motrin "the breakfast of champions."
It's rapidly approaching food group status around here, but at least we know enough to get the monster size bottle in the fall. The only parts of me that aren't sore right now are the soles of my feet and my hair.

I'm still planning/building for March chicks, and usually I'm crazy jealous of all of you who have chickens already, but this *one* time... I'm just grateful I don't have to shovel any more footage.
It doesnt snow where i live.
I live in southern georgia and i have never seen snow. It seems to be snowing every where else though. The atlanta airport has been closed a lot because of all the snow!

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