Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

Awesome! I love how your duck doesn't have a clue where it is walking... just like Tevye. Far foot is walking toward you, close foot is going to the left.

LOL! Wobbles does this too, I call it ducky ballet. :p Step to the left, nope, pivot to the right, oh hey what's that, fifth position, nope back over here, move those feet!
those are all great pictures.it has been raining a lot here when I let my gu

ys out they are so funny they run here and there because there are so many puddles. They are high on mud.
This pic doesn't get any less funny every time I see it, lmao!

I had one from last year pop up today in my Facebook "On This Day" feed:

This is my little Roxy at about 6 weeks old. :)
I was trying to get a picture of the green on her feathers, but she wouldn't pay attention to me because mud.

Emptying the pool is the best part of the day. They're going to be so sad when I put an actual drainage system in.

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