Disappearing nine patch block swap

Lacey Blues, so much for you to carry! Know that we are thinking of you and yours and shedding a few tears too on the other side of the Atlantic. Remember that you may have to be strong for your Mum and brother but you don't have to be strong for us, your friends. That's one of the reasons we are here for you. Much love, Mary
I hope this brightens your day just a little

my newly hatched baby, I have 6 more pipped and more waiting on who knows what to start doing anything

I'll get better pics later.
@Kassaundra your the NN queen I have hatched my very first naked neck, so are there different NN or all NN's the same? anything special need to be done with this bird?
Can anyone enlighten me. Was it include a self addressed stamped envelop or do we include money for stamps?
Can anyone enlighten me. Was it include a self addressed stamped envelop or do we include money for stamps?
It is supposed to be a self addressed stamped envelope, but as long as you get the envelope you can include money, now this is me so other swaps will be different, cause some of our swappers have other people sending off their package and it is just less confusing for the helpers.

now for your laugh of the day

this breed is so homely

Those are naked neck right? So cute!

I was just holding our first newly hatched heritage Bar rock. We hope to build them up in numbers as they are a beautiful and a sweet bird. We also have a good number of Easter Eggers and heritage Marans that are hatching. One of the Welsh harlequin ducks is sitting on eggs but we really do not want more of them so she got 3 eggs and the rest golf balls. Still it should keep her happy. Some of the goats, Nubians, gave birth also. Sofar we have 4. It is starting to look like a farm here.
yes that is a NN they certainly a face only a mother can love, seeing these birds makes me pitty them, I got a bunch of eggs and it was what will it be, wait and see and that was my only NN, congrats on all of your babies.

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