Disappearing nine patch block swap

After I started sewing, I decided I'm not happy with my yellow blocks so I'm going to pull them out and get new fabric. It's a little too flimsy and I ended up cutting it too short.
fenrosie, I know that this is off the subject, but have you used paints to create a fabric that you can't find?
I need the sky and water for a landscape quilt I'm planning and can't find the right one anywhere.
I pretty sure I can do it but was wondering about the best type of paint to use, and should the fabric be muslin or a white cotton?
Please anyone jump in here if you have done this.
Thank You
At the moment my passion is Gelli plate printing. I use high quality acrylic paints onto white cotton. The only advantage of the high quality is you get more pigment. I think if I was painting sky and water I would start with a pale blue and then it won't matter if you miss a bit. Start with thinned down paint, you can always add more later. If the finished article isn't going to be washed you can even use water colors. Good luck !
Thank you OhHappychicks, I appreciate that so much.  I had convinced my mother to go see a doctor just to find out if it is what she thinks or something else.  Hopefully she went today.  Said she would.  I haven't talked to her yet so I'll find out in a bit.

Leaning HARD! 

I had a couple show girls for a while.  I like the black ones with black skin.  They were so cute.  Turned out to be both males and mean as snakes so I sold them.  It would be fun to have a group of them with just one male and better personalities.
I heard a Pastor say something recently, that gave me encouragement in the things I'm going thru. He said "God is always doing something good in our lives". I know that is hard to see sometimes, but when I trust and believe He is in control, and that He is for and not against me, that is so empowering to me. Draw comfort and strength from his word. I'm still praying for you.

I also had one of the black showgirls. I just loved them, and he definately ruled that flock. I had 4 of different colors and 3 were roos!
Hello ladies! Its been awhile since I've been on here. Lots has been going on, including A BRAND NEW PERFECT BABY GRANDSON! :D I have 2 sewing machines and don't you know they both quit working the same day! Long story short, my favorite one fell one th floor after the table I had it on collapsed. It only dropped a few inches, but the slide plate popped off. My Dh fixed part of it, but the other side can't be fixed, so I ordered a new part today. After that little episode, I got out the other machine, sewed 3 strips together and the feed dog quit working. So just as soon as I get my machine up and running, I'll get on my squares.:)
At the moment my passion is Gelli plate printing. I use high quality acrylic paints onto white cotton. The only advantage of the high quality is you get more pigment. I think if I was painting sky and water I would start with a pale blue and then it won't matter if you miss a bit. Start with thinned down paint, you can always add more later. If the finished article isn't going to be washed you can even use water colors. Good luck !
Thank you fenrosie I thought I remembered you were doing the Gelli printing, how is that going for you it looks interesting, but I promised myself no more new hobby's for a while
My craft room is about to burst it's seams.
I have some acrylic paints and a fabric medium for them I will give it a try. Do you think that the white cotton should be wet? I do want the colors to flow together.
Hello ladies! Its been awhile since I've been on here. Lots has been going on, including A BRAND NEW PERFECT BABY GRANDSON!
I have 2 sewing machines and don't you know they both quit working the same day! Long story short, my favorite one fell one th floor after the table I had it on collapsed. It only dropped a few inches, but the slide plate popped off. My Dh fixed part of it, but the other side can't be fixed, so I ordered a new part today. After that little episode, I got out the other machine, sewed 3 strips together and the feed dog quit working. So just as soon as I get my machine up and running, I'll get on my squares.
Yah! a new Baby is always so wonderful! Sorry about your machines, I hope the feed dogs just full of lint.
If you want the colours to flow I would make it wet. If it's not going to be washed don't waste your fabric medium.


This is some of my printing I did a while ago. I have made a phone case and some book covers with some of the fabric, I will try and remember to post some pictures next week of what I have made.

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