"Discarded egg" started to peep.......OK to put it back under Mom?

I'm sorry. You gave it all you had.
I lost a 9 weeker today.
I loved her and she was thriving in every way by eating and drinking, she just couldn't walk. Her hips had been dislocated and hard as I tried, I just couldn't heal them. I gave her two weeks with her legs splinted. The poor thing was miserable. I had to have my DH do the humane thing.

And that's all I can talk about that. I'm sorry your baby didn't make it.
Thank You all for your awesome support. I guess it is just part of life and it was a good learning experience for me for sure.

Chicky Tocks, I am so sorry for your loss, too. My little chickie was only a day old and it was hard for me, especially under those circumstances. So I really understand how you feel with your 9 weeker after having developed a relationship through special care for it.

Rancher Hicks: ?!, it is what it is. Great or not, I leave that up to everyone else.

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