Discuss egg buying on BYC versus Ebay

I just realized I could give follow up feedback on Ebay. When I was selling there, that wasn't an option so I made good use of it today!

And I must add here....

She is an awesome seller! Great continued communication, excellent shipping and packing and just plain nice
Out of all 5 buyers I've purchased eggs from in December, she is the only one who has given me any hope that I will actually be hatching chicks this winter. My first batch - 1 chick out of 8. The next 3 - absolutely no eggs viable at all; hers - over half are going in the hatcher tomorrow.

Actually though follow up feedback has been on Ebay for a long time. I think people just don't realize that it's there. Since you have to look at all of your feedback and go to the bottom of the page to find the link.
I don't know why they can't put the links in more visible places.
I have always tryed to leave follow up feed back when I got decent hatches. But sometimes I have forgotten to do it. I always look for it to see how their eggs are hatching.
Great for you! I can't say they same.
But I plan too from now on! I always hated to say anything bad. Now I ask questions before I even think of buying/bidding! Because one time (maybe more) I paid pretty big for some eggs and shipping was reasonable if you used a decent box. But they came in a little bitty box! Just stuck down in shredded packing paper any way that they'd fit! Needless to say none hatched! That was before I knew about air sacs. They were just making extra $ on shipping. Seems like they charged about $16 and actual shipping the way they did it was less than $8! I was soooo disappointed. Live and learn.
I use the 12x12x8 boxes, I know alot of people have good luck with the smaller ones, but I try to pack like I would want them sent to me. I hate when people put them in egg cartoon, I've gotten more broken eggs and worse hatches when shipped in them.
I'v been purchasing eggs on E Bay for many years. I have had some good hatches. A good hatch to me is 60% or better. Having said that. I have had some poor hatches. Overall I would say that some due diligence is in order. I will not purchase eggs from a seller who has poor feed back. I actually read feedback left by others. If I have a damaged package or bad hatch I contact the seller. If I can't get satisfaction I leave a feedback that represents my experiance. Sometimes you have to bite your lip and remember you are limited on the lenght of your feed back coment. I am fairly new to BYC and have noticed quite a bit of sellers on Both sites. My experiance with BYC sellers has yet to be rated. I have just recently purchased eggs on BYC. I have 3 orders en rout. I am looking forward to some successful winter hatches.

I would like nothing more than to see a dedicated blog on mail order eggs, where the buyers could rate the seller. Ultimately a dedicated seller will do what ever it takes to make the customer happy. I also would like to point out that unless you have good equipment and experiance you should not buy hatching eggs on line. Like some others have mentioned its like gambling. Although I believe overall the postal service holds a majority of the blame on poor hatch rates.

just my .02
I bought some eggs from a BYC'er got 100% hatch, bought some more of the same eggs, none hatched( none even developed). I also believe alot has to do with the shipping. Most of the time I do not think it is the seller fault, unless they pack poorly.
I also think everyone should send extras. I check fertility about every 2 days (my spoiled chickens think they NEED treats) Even if I have 100% fertility in the ones I check , obviously I can't check the ones I ship, so I always send extras, and I really don't like it when I don't get any extras.
I agree we need a thread of Ebay sellers not to trust. I also like the idea of a thread of BYCer's who sell on Ebay. I know I'd feel better about buyiing from them. I've bought from both and would prefer to deal with BYCer's even on Ebay than the normal Ebay seller. It seems to me that Bycer's care about there reputation and quality of their breed more than just the money.
I have bought and sold on many sites, including Ebay and BYC, I think the experience has to do with the seller. Some don't care as long as the item is paid for and shipped out.

I do my best to have 'repeat addicts' like myself. If the customer service is good, they/I will accommodate so everyone is happy. I just sent eggs from my mother-in-law to Alaska today. I'm a little nervous. But I think we are all quite understanding and know hatching eggs are a crap shoot, especially when mailed.

Last year I never had ONE egg broke during shipping. I used the same methods this year, same boxes, (well 2010 December) and 7/10 had at least one egg broke or two or three. I think the holiday season played a part of that with all the packages traveling around. I hope it get's better.

After they buy from me I usually (if i remember, LOL) tell them my name on here so i can see pics of my Frankenchicks all over the U.S. I love sharing my eggs and experiments, my living legacy :)

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