Dixie Chicks

Recently did the doggy DNA kit on our newest addition to the pack. We had surmised her half mini schnauzer, but the 1/4 Australian Cattle Dog was a bit of a surprise. I guess that explains her funny tail and attempts to herd my DH.

so cute... and now that you mention it -- those ears do look ACD-ish! Heeling your DH? Mine tried to heel the UPS delivery guy when a fat toddly puppy. That instinct is strong! Molly looks like a sweetie.
That's amazing. Love your dogs -- is that three ACDs?

My very own hooligan

Just to say it agin!! your photos are beautiful.

Sweet... ^~~^ bump headed hooligan...

Yeh, we have three ACDs; two we imported in August from NSW and we have one Heeler we rescued. So head count is at three as of today, eh.

Emmest took Best of Breed on April 1st (I've not shown in a dozen years) and Lacy took Best Opposite (shown by my son) the next day. I announced that here on this thread (likely before you joined up). Posted a photo of Emmy "washed up" fur the show.


Our lives have been blessed with seven total (living in heaven!) ACDs thus far. White knuckle ride. I've even shown them in Conformation Brace (figure two Tasmanian Devils on a brace chain running stupid round the ring--what could go wrong?).

Chantecler hen Medusa gives Fixins the eye...which is returned in equal force

We keep some pretty head strong poultry here and need like minded stock dogs if we are going to get any of these knuckle headed fowl put away before it gets dark.

Standard Chanteclers out in the bird yard on Sunday

Hagatha meets Haggette?

Lacy never pressures the hen to burst into a panic--no wreck 'er rodeo thanks

Lacy gives her lotsa room and let's her think she makes the decision

Decision to rejoin the rest of the Chant flock and retire fur the day

The birds will always test the dogs...and well, the dogs DO know what bird on a platter tastes like, plus they get their fair share of cackleberries in their dinners but they are true to the core stock dogs. They respect that the living livestock/poultry needs to live onwards to enjoy the shared benefits of co-existence here.

Fixins and "her" pair of Ruddy Shels that she looked after for Dad - Nov 2013

The Ruddy Shels (not a duck, not a goose, so what exactly ARE they...a Guck or a Doose? No zooloigist dared yet to give them a name past the one in the language of the dead, Latin Tadorna ferruginea) are about the size of a large mallard but can easily kill full grown domestic geese....nasty nasty. Not many dog breeds could stand them down without just killing them outright--need a hardcore presence, not just a biting force. The Heelers do a fine job...or do they?

Oct 2013 - "Dang it...them Ruddies KILLED a dog!"

There's this competition between the chore dogs and the Romaine lettuce distribution...the birds KNOW I bring it for their benefit, but without giving some to the dogs first, a fight can break out!

Fixins flashing her stinky EYE at the waterfowl..."Staking MY claim to ALL the Romaine, not yers!"
Too bad I never recorded the sounds...the Ruddy hen is one noisy squawker...and the Black Swans are just bugling pipings about the indignities going down..."THAT dog is eating OUR treats...harrumph--what nerve!"

I think the downy feather on the snoot is just over the top, eh.

Not jest any dog will do yah...them Heelers are well suited for the jobs we have on hand.

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
Awesome! Has anyone ever told you that you should write a book -- & Illustrate it with photos of the dogs, chickens, ducks -- errr I mean Ruddy Shels. It's so colorful and interesting.
belated Congrats on the winnings.

Mine spits out veggies - but requests a taste to insure that I'm not hiding dog treats from her.....

Off to follow the link to see what it looks like. Thanks~
Awesome! Has anyone ever told you that you should write a book -- & Illustrate it with photos of the dogs, chickens, ducks -- errr I mean Ruddy Shels. It's so colorful and interesting.
belated Congrats on the winnings.

Mine spits out veggies - but requests a taste to insure that I'm not hiding dog treats from her.....

Off to follow the link to see what it looks like. Thanks~

Nah, no book, but have a thread of my own on BYC. A book would be too expensive to publish with all the photos that seem to just happen (got over 4600 on it now).

Bama tells me he can't follow along because of the numbers of clicks on thar...
plus he's suppose to be allergic to dawgs...or so he says he is. I think he's just allergic to CUTE.

August 2014 - Fixins lapping up the realization that these are HER plants,
planted where dogs can harvest them at will!

I come here to Dixie Chicks because I find common ground in our gardening endeavours! Those of us not afraid to get our paws dirty flock here.

Sep 4, 2014 - Taste testing the product

Sugar peas, carrots, greens...my arse would be grass without inclusion of the canines.

August 2015 - "Sugar pea for puppies?" <---dispensed in the most high pitched "walkies" voice imaginable!

And with every generation, there are the easy converts and the ones not quite sure (Lacy is gung-ho lipping her lips in anticipation...and Emmy, she's not quite sure...getting the disgusted "what you pulling" look!)

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada

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