Dixie Chicks

HE HATCHED!!! I was writing a note on Alaskan's blog and heard cheaping. He is not a minute old. OH JOY

Edited to add....OMG it could be a pure bred orp!! It is the right color...huge legs and feet with black shanks....sure looks like an ORP to me....well I know it is half orp.

it looks really good, but pretty wet. I am just beside myself.

Feet are white on bottom as should be...neck is a little long for an English Orp. Oh my oh my I am blessed.

omgosh omgosh lookit my first colored egg today I was giving the ladies some scratch and happen to look down by the gate and there it was!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally my first layer started laying!! two eggs today!! violets sitting on the nest box serving up my other egg!
I harvested those late in the fall. They were really small and not spicy.
Wait till u taste a pod in July

Do you make pepper sauce?

Awe do you want a hen or roo?
I have to email pictures to Photobucket then copy the URL from there.

I am over 200 posts behind.  Today is not the day I am catching up.  Have a meeting at work this morning.  Last meeting I have to attend there!!:D   Roads are covered in ice.  Can't wait.  Last night after feeding the chickens we watched as a tow truck driver had to pull the salt truck out of the ditch across the road from us.  Same thing happened last year.  Not far from where it was this year.   Salt dumped all over the ditch.  Makes for tons of deer to visit.  LOL! 
Is it hunting season?
Today is the day my girl rabbit is suppose to give birth and we do not have a proper pen for her.  UGH!  I am getting a large tote this morning and transferring her as soon as I get home.  Hope it's not too late.  I don't even know how to tell if she is pregnant.:idunno   She is not easily handled, but I have felt her belly area and I can't tell any difference.  She has not pulled her fur out yet, so maybe she is not pregnant.  I don't know. 
:fl for bunny babies

Well, gotta get moving to work.  Have a great day!  Frozen here and I will be SO GLAD when summer is here!

I'll be glad when summer gets here to I have chicks that will soon be ready to go outside.
Ok, I have so many that I want to respond to but I think it would take all day! Don't know why I am not getting all the posts in my email - I'll get a bunch, then it's quiet and I wonder what's going on here, then I sign in and I'm 250 posts behind!
So, I will say, welcome to the thread @jldward !!! Sounds like you have a lovely farm! Love the beautiful svart hona! @minihorse927 (I hope I remembered that right :)

@RavynFallen Cracking up on Jim's "resistance"
We went to the feed store yesterday and my son desperately wanted to bring home a couple of black sexlinks they had there (all that was left from that batch). I explained that we aren't ready yet and are already on the waiting list for some other breeds.

So, that brings me to a question for all of you adding to your flock with hatching eggs or new chicks - do you keep adding coops, do you have a gigantic coop? How do you manage this? I'm sure it's different for everyone. I'm trying to figure out how to manage chicks from a couple different breeders and even one of the breeders may have 2 breeds space apart by a few weeks - so I may be looking at dividing a gigantic box (thank to our business we have some of these) or setting up multiple brooders. We have a friend that I think will help me build a coop, DH may be able to help on the weekends but he is really busy with work. He worked all day yesterday and is now "gone fishing" for a few days. Then he'll play catch up at work and the whole thing starts again.

Anyhow, it's a lovely day here...bought some flowers for my daughter to plant, some for us and some for my mom. She had to put down her 9 year old shih tzu on Friday after a lost battle with Cushing's. I thought a little planter with some daffodils, hyacinths and primroses would be nice for her. The bulbs coming up again next year will be a sweet reminder of her friend. At least he is not in any discomfort any more.

Have a great day everyone! I'll try to get caught up when I can...
that reminds me @hennible I need to start my Anaheim, hobinarios, Serrano's, and jalapeno's
I planted some of each of those today and last night... Plus some other peps, a bunch of toms, tomatillos and ground cherries... And a salad bin...
omgosh omgosh lookit my first colored egg today I was giving the ladies some scratch and happen to look down by the gate and there it was!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally my first layer started laying!! two eggs today!! violets sitting on the nest box serving up my other egg!
Awesome not sure where the quote went... I started with a chicken tractor, then a large old out house we moved from a friends farms, now the outhouse ( redone for chickens ) and a temporary coop I slapped together, this spring I'm having one big one built and I'm sure I'll still have a use for the original... The temp coop I may or may not take down... Not sure, the tractor I still use for various things...

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