Dixie Chicks


Good morning!
Stay safe those of you in the path of the storms... It's my first year living in a cooler climate and I braced myself for a cold winter, only to experience one of the warmest the PNW has had I think. Oh well, still colder than SoCal and I like to think Mother Nature was gentle on me with the transition
I know it won't always be this mild, so I'm enjoying it while I can. Sunny and in the 40's today I think - I'll try to send some of that East...We did get a freeze night before last. That would not be good if we all the blooms froze

For those of you who know the area - I think they will be moving up the date of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival this year - everything's blooming early. We have daffodils up already, but don't know about down in the valley yet.

Have a great day everyone!
you nevr had a garden before?

I was also wondering like colalrs are high in calcium does that help the chickens is it better then the calcium in the feed or poyster shells?
nope, the closest I got was helping mom with hers before i moved out ages ago.
We did have cows though, raised em for meat, LilJim, Poke, Tbone and "Scott's" (our friend had one too but he wouldn't name him)LOL


Ketamine darts

We had to turn our air conditioner on last night. It was 78 F in our house at 9 pm
Yeah, I was chatting with the hubs on his way home from work last night, stuck in traffic, says I gotta roll the window down it's 80 today. The only thing I miss about TX is at least I'd still be warm LOL
I love it when its hot so hot when you step outside your skin gets goosebumps. Call me wierd I can handle the cold Desert cold but when the air smells like welding I love it.

There is a cleanness to the experience you cant match...

Not an AC fan unless it gets up in the hundreds.... At home I mostly use an Evaporative Cooler. Very inexpensive way to cool in low humidity.

One of its best features is you dont need to seal your house up tight. Matter of fact you have to open the windows in the room you want cool.

But it only brings the temp down about ten to fifteen degrees. When it goes up over 105 that's when I fire up the window cooler in my bedroom only.

Me too! We are in some kind of frozen tundra. Been raining/freezing rain all day. Snow is coming they say. Up to a foot. The snow we already have hasn't melted yet. Wake me up when summer gets here!
The house that I owned in Texas came with an attic fan... not a regular one, but I think it had been taken from a jet engine.

If you turned on that attic fan, and opened up the windows in the room that you were in, it gave a really nice STRONG breeze.

I don't like AC
I don't really have an attic, stupid vaulted ceiling... I love my AC in summer. But we have a summer fan in the basement that pulls The cold air up from the basement into the main house, that's pretty handy until it gets above 25C.

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