Dixie Chicks

I hate humid heat especially.......

humid heat is WONDERFUL.... helps clean out the pores, and you can pretend to be a fish
Humid heat I can't stand, except for in the sauna. I wouldn't do too well in the tropics, at least not for prolonged periods of time. And I don't know how people can live in places where it's 100F. That's just too hot for me.
here you open a window, and walla! your glass of water is now ice.

I remember my best friend in college lived in the Portland, OR area when in High School and he told me he left a cup of water on his dresser overnight with the window cracked and it froze overnight. Being a SoCal gal I couldn't imagine sleeping in a house that cold! However....
I hate humid heat especially.......
I would choose cold over heat any day! Hot and humid wilts me! And I don't like AC either, but would use it sparingly to bring the heat to bearable. PerchieGirl- Riding in Poway, Escondido, Ramona in the summer - ugh! I used to ride with a friend in Ramona and we would always go in the morning to avoid the heat. Nice to ride in the "winter" though...

Just now driving home from picking up my preschooler I had the sunroof open - it's about 46 and sunny out. She was complaining she was too hot - lol! Then I realized she was in the direct sun so I closed the sunroof window. My son is wearing shorts to school practically everyday. I thought these SoCal born kids of mine would adjust to the cold, but not as well as they have! On the other hand, I've never been in cold below 8 degrees, so I don't know that I could do the below zero temps either. My previous comfort range (in SoCal) was 60-80 degrees, now I'm happy between 30-80
I can do hotter or colder though on vacation!

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