Dixie Chicks

If it is unmedicated chick feed, it s perfectly fne for ducks.

The only thing to really stay away from is te layer... That extra calcium isn't good for the little ones.

However, you feed all the other ones.
How are you @NotAFarm ?
Power was out from about 7:45 pm yesterday until 9:00 am today. Tornado hit about 3 miles from us. Leaf litter and branches down here but nothing major. See pics by googling Woodhaven Lakes, Sublette IL.

Your garden looks great. Nice job on the raised boxes.

Chickens here:
Icelandics, 11 hens/pullets, 1 cock, 6 Easter Hatchalong juvies, 8 four week old chicks with broodies
2 German line New Hampshire 3 year old hens, 1 Araucana two year old hen and 6 two and half week old G New Hampshire chicks (my neighbor has a flock and I got eggs from him for three Icelandic hens that were broody....those were in addition to the three that hatched and are raising the Icelandic chicks....and there is one on eggs set Friday.....and another one was on the nest tonight).

Good night, everyone! ~ : >
nope, just the 1 lf chocolate, 1 chocolate cuckoo rooster, looking for a black or blue hen. Have a friend who raises lf BBS orps. They're english.

Dang... was hoping to put some black english blood into my project... :/

You have a chocolate cuckoo rooster??????  Orpington?

I have a pair of American Buffs, and a Pair of Toulouse.  American buffs are very mellow.

Yup, she does... she has amazing birds... :D

my brown leg horns are nutty, psycho chicks. The Isabel are amazingly calm. I don't think they're really leg horns, lol.
I've heard mille fleur leghorns are calmer also. I don't mind my brownleghorns, crazy but the eggs is what matters, they earn their keep.

thank you! Supply crushed oyster she'll separately i guess?
I never used the stuff before, the RIR I used to have had hard shells just with good layer mash, small guy feed store changed brands of layer, crappy shells, I mentioned it to him and he said I should give them oyster shell (was hard shells with other feed
) so I went elsewhere, good shells again.
This batch all the sudden got weak shells when I was letting them free range a lot, actually got one with no shell! So I forked the $ over for oyster shell, cut down a 2 liter soda jug and nailed it to the corner of their coop, didn't think they would eat it, but they do slowly, good shells now, some with bumps on them from the extra calcium? The leghorn eggs were the softest, now good, but still different from the other eggs. Their membranes are like super tuff, crack the egg and you have to like rip them open sometimes breaking the darn yolk getting them out, is this a leghorn thing? Never had them before this, store bought eggs don't do this, they are probably close to rotton though Lol!
Anyone one else get eggs with super tough membranes?
Beer, I get those too... my Araucana bantams are a pain to crack open... crack the shell and it kinda bounces from the membrane... one of my lf groups was doing it too, but think it was cuz they were pullets... but the bantams are a couple years old now, nice medium eggs though...

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