Dixie Chicks

ok so, I been thinking, do you think in our more pc world today chicken keepers are humanizing their chickens more so then they might have fifty years ago or so? yanno with chicken coop lights and all that stuff it seems it is more of a humanizing thing then a chicken need per say......there is other things just that one came to mind off hand atm
ok so, I been thinking, do you think in our more pc world today chicken keepers are humanizing their chickens more so then they might have fifty years ago or so? yanno with chicken coop lights and all that stuff it seems it is more of a humanizing thing then a chicken need per say......there is other things just that one came to mind off hand atm

Yep.... especially when they are refered to as pets. Anthropomorphization... is one of my personal weaknesses. Thats why when I see it happening with horses or chickens or goats. I speak about understanding the nature of your animal and meeting its needs.

Anthropomorphization I suspect is also part of the process of Domestication. Animals responding to our words or gestures take the communicaion to a two way street. are cultivated along with thier beneficial necessary breed traits.

Our chickens today are tremendous examples of this.... They resemble their ancestors in Body parts but we bred out Broodyness and flight and increased their size for meat.... Once we mess with an animal that much they loose their natural self defense mechanisms. So we have to go to the Nth degree to protect them.

Its a trade off. Bring this forward to this New resurgance of people who are first time Chicken owners.... bound to go off the deep end on occasion.



On a mission

Tomatoes planted...or is that seeded...whatever it was, I done did it up.

These two flats were drug inside and now sit atop the refrigerator (dark, warm...scary place to be?)

I had lotsa helpers too.

Man Porch loaded up with quietly playing puppers
jest like furred kids; toppled the toy box and distributed the wealth - look out for soggy plushies!

Dinner was in the oven for when I drug my tired carcass inside...

Gremlins never burnt her!
Another good day is done...like the dinner!

Honey brown sugar glazed ham and scalpers

Yup...t'was good and so will the leftovers when I over do it again tamorrah!

Doggone & Chicken UP!

Tara Lee Higgins
Higgins Rat Ranch Conservation Farm, Alberta, Canada
My guess would be too little light Briard. I can't use my grow light because my spare room has a human in it, so I have some stunted seedlings right now. They're pretty funny looking, leggy, pale and stunted.
Yay for eggs hennible!

Not enough light you say? Even though I place them outside on the nice days? Gaah!

Hubby and I were talking last night. So the original plan was to sell 2 goose pairs when they are older.. But if they do lay next year we may be better off to keep them and sell eggs after a test hatch..

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