Dixie Chicks

@ cold Canadian: I picked and stemmed five pounds of muscadine grapes yesterday. Now I am thinking I will make jelly first. What has me stumped in the field and stream recipe for winemaking is the last sentence: "When the mixture quits bubbling, wait two days, then siphon the wine into glass bottles with screw caps, using plastic tubing. The wine will keep for years. If you can wait that long."

Reading the second recipe, it suggests that if there is any air present during the siphoning it will turn to vinegar. I am not sure I can successfully manage the siphoning process. Got to read and think some more.
@ cold Canadian: I picked and stemmed five pounds of muscadine grapes yesterday. Now I am thinking I will make jelly first. What has me stumped in the field and stream recipe for winemaking is the last sentence: "When the mixture quits bubbling, wait two days, then siphon the wine into glass bottles with screw caps, using plastic tubing. The wine will keep for years. If you can wait that long."

Reading the second recipe, it suggests that if there is any air present during the siphoning it will turn to vinegar. I am not sure I can successfully manage the siphoning process. Got to read and think some more.

I read that as well, they have a explanation of sorts as how to avoid this ........but I'll also reread the article a few more times , might go to a Brewer supply store and see what they have to offer , would hate to ruin something over a simple solution .............many thanks for posting the sites though
mom made rice wine in a gallon jug aeons ago... cheese cloth at first then a screw on lid not too tight.... Tasted somewhat like whisky but definately NOT vinegary.

One thing to remember carbon dioxide is heavier than air... as it is generated it will fill the container and exclude the air. As long as you dont jostle it around I think youd be fine....

Those air lock style vents are inexpensive to buy at a home brew store.... first one online I saw was 1.49....

By the way these can be used for all kinds of fermentation like Kambucha....


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