Dixie Chicks

A book huh?

I have started one a few times.... too difficult to barf up all of those ideas into a book shape.

Can't get it to come out right... not even one full chapter.

speaking from experience you write and dont obsess about details just get words down .... I been known to write a whole chapter in outline form... then flesh it out later. Once you get going you will find it easier and easier.

It also helps to outline kind of the plot points you want to use. Of course I write science fiction so I have lee way. Just remember none of it is in stone you can edit later. I keep all my edited portions for color for other areas.

Remember my friend who was doing that affiliate marketing blog? I told you about her while encouraging you to do a blog... Anyway I think she's about 2 years in (her and her sister) they are actually making money now and if they stay on the same profit curve they should be bringing in about $7000 a month by next summer (year 3).... They also get paid for writing for other blogs now, not bad at all.
The calaber of the products they test, promote and write about is crazy though... Organic skin care, the best of it... I have this itty bitty bottle of eyelash growth enhancer from her (yes it works) that retails for just over a $100...the bottle is a 1/4 the size of a flipping mascara and is only stable for a month after opening!
I can't afford anything they review
Remember my friend who was doing that affiliate marketing blog? I told you about her while encouraging you to do a blog... Anyway I think she's about 2 years in (her and her sister) they are actually making money now and if they stay on the same profit curve they should be bringing in about $7000 a month by next summer (year 3).... They also get paid for writing for other blogs now, not bad at all.


I will think about it...

I need to move.... gunna waste the day taking my kids to a craft fair... they wanna see if their paracord stuff will sell.

I will think about it...

I need to move.... gunna waste the day taking my kids to a craft fair... they wanna see if their paracord stuff will sell.

Do a rough draft , then have an independent proof read it , as long as the basic written material is there it is workable ..........I believe most book's etc are done this way , two heads are better then one they say ?

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