Do Ameracaunas all lay blue/blue green eggs?

Her legs are slate colored but in some lights, they almost have an olive tint to them. Her face has really fluffed and her muffs and beard are very full. Her "comb" is definitely more reddish now as well. She seems to be one of the lower pullets in the pecking order so I was wondering whether that and the cold weather had held her off laying. She is very healthy though. Thanks to all for your responses - being a novice, I really appreciate the help!
pips&peeps :

Is she a large fowl or bantam? She looks tiny in that picture. Is it recent? If so, then there may be something wrong with her.

She is LF - definitely not a bantam. The photo was taken back in May '09 not too long after I got her. She eats well and even though she seems lower in the pecking order and gets her share of treats - oatmeal, greens, mealworms, etc. She does not appear to have any health issues - sneezing, coughing, runny nose, etc. I worm in the spring and fall and keep the chickens dusted for mites so unless she is a runt, she seems healthy.​
Well, I hate to say it, but I just sold some chicks to a local lady that has a hen that has never laid an egg her whole life and she's almost three years old...sometimes it happens, don't give up yet though!!
That was sort of the impetus for my question about egg color - to see if there was a chance that she would lay another color egg because I have a pair of Buff Brahma LF that I got last March - according to the man I purchased them from, the hen was going to start laying "any day now". She has never laid an egg yet.......She and the Buff Brahma roo are fed the same as the rest of the laying flock - Purina Sunfresh layer mash with treats of oatmeal on cold days, greens (collard, spinach, etc.) due to the snow and not being able to get to the grass, mealworms, etc. They are healthy as horses and pretty - just useless since she doesn't lay.....oh well - win some and lose some I guess...mighty expensive lawn ornaments though!
Do they free range at all? If they do she might be laying her eggs in a "hiding place" or they might be getting picked up by an animal before you get to them... ??
No, they don't free-range but in the warmer months and when it is nicer outside, I have large, exercise type pens that I put them in - sort of controlled free-ranging if you will. I have searched the run and the coop, looking for eggs or remanents of eggs should she be eating them but can find nothing...
No, they don't free-range but in the warmer months and when it is nicer outside, I have large, exercise type pens that I put them in - sort of controlled free-ranging if you will. I have searched the run and the coop, looking for eggs or remanents of eggs should she be eating them but can find nothing...

I'm at a loss then...
No, they don't free-range but in the warmer months and when it is nicer outside, I have large, exercise type pens that I put them in - sort of controlled free-ranging if you will. I have searched the run and the coop, looking for eggs or remanents of eggs should she be eating them but can find nothing...

I'm at a loss then...

Thank you for all of your help! I am at a loss also but am just too much of a softie at this point to cull the Brahmas and I am holding out hope that the Ameraucana is just a late bloomer......
I have a california white that I got last april 09 she didnt start laying until just this last month , she is healthy and eats the same as everyone else( all good layers) but its been almost a year and she is just now getting the hang of it... so who knows:rolleyes:

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