Do hens have spurs and are blue eggs better?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
I just got some hens and the silver spangled hamburg has a spur. Someone told me this means she is old. I didn't know if it was just the breed. Didn't really matter they'll all live out their life here just curious. Also was told blue eggs are more nutritious, I cant find anything that says they are any different than brown or white. Anybody have info on either. Thanks
Blue eggs are eggs like any other, just a different shell color.

Hens can grow spurs. They're typically not as big as rooster spurs, but yes, they can grow them.

It is an old wives tale that blue eggs are more nutritious. They sure are pretty though! (Well I think they will be still waiting and waiting and waiting for that first egg!!!)
Yes some hens have small spurs.

Blue, brown, white, green, speckled, fertile, infertile and any other variety of hen egg has the same nutritional value.

Blue eggs are eye candy.

I wish they had more nutrient value as the majority of mine lay blue.

I've seen lots of game hens that can have LONG spurs.

My buttercup hen has had spurs since she was about 9 months old. She's 1 1/2 now. Having spurs does not indicate age. And ditto what everyone else said about the blue eggs.
I agree with the others that shell color has no relationship w/ nutrient value. However, I've wondered if that's the case in my coop - I have 3 EEs that all let themselves out to free range almost every afternoon. The other breeds never do this, just the EEs. They stick right by the run, but they seem to get a lot more bugs and varieties of plants than the others. Not sure if this is just my EEs or if they tend to be a little more wild and flighty in general, but if makes sense to me that you might get slightly better eggs from breeds that are good free-rangers. Since blue egg layers have genes from jungle fowl, maybe that's where the old wives' tale comes from?
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