Do hens need a Roo to be happy?...apparently not.


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
Michigan - in the thumb
A few days ago I had a 6 old layers and 1 mean Roo sent to freezer camp. I almost keep the young Bo Roo but after he tried to flog my daughter a couple times his fate was sealed.

This left me with 10 hens with one hen in a full molt. 2 days after the Roo was gone I got 9 eggs our of 9 laying hens. Looks like the hens were happy to see the Roo go as well.
A fellow Michigander!

Of course they don't "need" a male to make them happy. But having a cock bird around has lots of benefits. He is a protector, will call out when he finds food to let them know, and will often keep the peace between the biddies.

Also - it's very common in female-only flocks that one female will sort of take on the male leadership role - she can even crow when this happens. It's not as pretty as a REAL male's crow, but it's a crow, nonetheless. When this occurs, this female will stop laying eggs.
Sorry to jump in, but would the hen's crow possibly sound something like their egg laying song?

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