Do "know-it-all" people IRK you?

Hay now that's my saying. I told my nurses that last week when they were clucking like old broodies after being ask to fill out another government form. I tell them the time you spend being dramatic you could have filled it out.
Maybe a good tactic for 'the know it all's' is, give them enough rope and they'll..., well, you know the rest!
I worked with a couple of people that "knew it all" Did not matter what conversation they had been there, done that and would impolitely tell you the "right" way to do it.......
I think I'd have replied to the lady with the info about organic feed with a response that hopefully would encourage her a little like,

"Thanks very much for sharing that info with us XXXXX! I for one am interested in knowing the sorts of feed out there even if I'm not using that specific kind just now. Sharing information like that is always appreciated, and we have a lot of readers who may not participate all the time who just might profit by knowing about it."

>.> yeah, only slightly snarky, but still lets her know that sharing is good no matter what the mouthy people are saying.

As far as what the NPIP snark said, I'd have probably replied with something along the lines of, "Just making sure the info is out there for all to see, so there was no question. Also I posted this same info on other boards and some have standards that require such info be included and I saw no reason not to carry the same level of information for all." ...implying of course that she has no standards... not that she'll 'get' it, that sort never sees the monkey in the mirror, but others may. After 20 years in the military, I'm a pro at passive aggressive. You can imply anything you want, as long as you don't say it and have that pleasant slightly wide-eyed look down pat at any suggestion that what you said was not correct and respectful... because it was, that sneer is a figment of their imagination.
I don't go along with that sort of approach. That was just so extremely 'pc' that the message was toally lost.

If you have feelings about what someone says, why not say it straight out in an honest and clear way. I see no nobility in acting one way when feeling another.

There's no need to make it into a personal attack, just say how it made you feel. Honestly.

All that is needed is, 'I felt the response from Betty was too strongly worded'.

On the other hand, I think a lot of people get far, far too sensitive about what is said on the internet. A good many bb arguments I've seen were characterized by someone really, really working overtime to make something out of what was said that simply was not there. Twisting what someone said and making it into something it never was. Working hard to find something personally insulting, or to find something to attack someone about, is not a noble pursuit.

Just because someone has a different idea is no reason to get so offended by what they said.

Admitting one's position can help. 'I think everyone should feed XYZ feed because I like it', 'I tend to react negatively whenever anyone suggests calling a vet for an animal', 'I always advocate horses go barefoot - all horses', or 'I always feel when a woman complains about a partner, that she must be at fault herself, since I felt that way when my partner complained about me'.

The trouble is that most people are very, very reluctant to come straight out and do that. Because they know it sounds ridiculous.

So they'd rather try to convince people by a more roundabout method - even if it means browbeating or implying someone doesn't care about their animals - or some more PC approach that really is just veiled browbeating.
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it kina depends on who the know it alls are some are worth listening to, others I normally have really short replies for them mostly 2 words with 4 letters LOL then there's that mistletoe on my shirttail LOL

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