Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide!!!!!


7 Years
Oct 26, 2012
Just putting this out there... Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide to ckean your animals cuts... Actually you shouldn't be using it on yourself either. It's a wonder how us as people are not informed about this by the medical system! The bubbles it creates will only push the infection and bacteria down! Flush with warm water and soap for minor wounds. If worse visit a vet.... Or your doctor if its you..
Just putting this out there... Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide to ckean your animals cuts... Actually you shouldn't be using it on yourself either. It's a wonder how us as people are not informed about this by the medical system! The bubbles it creates will only push the infection and bacteria down! Flush with warm water and soap for minor wounds. If worse visit a vet.... Or your doctor if its you..

I had always heard not to use it to clean a wound because it will kill the good repairing cells. But I did more research and as long as you only use it when you first treat it, before it has had time to heal over, it will be fine and get rid of the dead cells. I have used it numerous times on a wide variety of wounds and never had any problems, and they heal fine. Honestly, it is a somewhat pointless step, but I do it anyways.

How were you informed about this? Was it a reputable source?

~~Ms. B :)
I found this out when my horse was caught in the fence and I was looking up if I should use hydrogen peroxide to clean it... Everyone has there own scientific studies... Like it will kill the good tissue and the bad making it a longer healing time and a higher chance of getting infection. I read up more about it online and this is what nurses in there years of schooling are learning about. This is why you will rarely see them use it on a cut. Really for a chicken you want it to heal as soon as possible so I use warm water and soap to clean it out.
good to know!!!!
not sure where you got your info. but I have been using it for about 15 years, and I have never had a problem with it. I have given it to all of my live stock including chickens. They are healthier and taste a lot better, but please send me your source of info. Thanks
It kind of depends on the wound. It's not known as a disinfectant though it does disinfect to some degree., The bubbling though can physically loosen or remove dirt, blood, etc-the organic matter that can delay disinfection.

In my experience, if you're going to suture the wound then something other than hydrogen peroxide should be used as a cleaner/disinfectant. If you're allowing the wound to scab in, hydrogen peroxide is OK. If you're trying to dry out a moist rash or hot spot it can be very useful. Infected and/or deep wounds should be flushed with a weak betadine or chlorhex solution (not scrub). Scrubs are skin surface only- about the same as peroxide though scrubs do a much better job of disinfecting. It works fairly well as an emetic for mammals that can vomit.

Hydrogen peroxide does not last for long once the bottle is opened, it breaks down to water and Oxygen.

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