Do people in southern states like pizza?

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Never had possum or armadillo but had gator tail in southwest florida in that town that is at the end of the road that I cannot remember it's name but it ws very good tasted like chicken... maybe because they eat them I do not know.

Haven't you heard? We only serve that to yankees.....right after the snipe hunt.
First time I heard the "n" word when I was in the Air Force was from a New Englander...not a southerner
Squirrel is very tasty cooked over a camp fire. Gator tail is a must try item! I have been a southerner all my life but never have I tried possum. Coon is okay, deer chilli is the bomb!
If ONLY the Scottish festivals can carry these type of pizzas! I've had the canned haggis that was in the crockpot warming for the public to try a sample. It was simply lovely! But I was not going to pay $13 a can of haggis. It was directly from Scotland. Wished I can remember the brand name!

If I can find Highland cheese, it would be a bonus!

To the OP, why not try the Southern flair with your pizzas?

Goat, gator, possum, deer, lamb/mutton, pork or greek/gyro sausages for a "special flair" specifically catered for the Southerners and anyone that dare to try. I bet it would be GOOD!

I LOVE gyros! And the wonderful creamy cucumber sauce to go with it...........sigh! That owuld make good pizzas. Pita bread crust, with cream cheese or goat moz. cheese if preferred, slap some gyro meat on would be so lovely!
Squirrel is very tasty cooked over a camp fire. Gator tail is a must try item! I have been a southerner all my life but never have I tried possum. Coon is okay, deer chilli is the bomb!

I have eat possum before, rattlesnake & ain't nothing better than squirrel & gravy with some big fat cat head biskets, But the possum I ate was an American possum, I don't know anything about Greek possum.
This thread has had me laughing out loud for days. I'm sure the original poster meant no offense, but it was definitely a faux pas! You Southerners have done a great job taking it in stride.

In the course of my life I've eaten rattlesnake, jellyfish, porcupine, lion , antelope, whale, ants and bee larvae, and a bunch of stuff I don't know what it was but if I did know I probably wouldn't have touched it! I also eat pizza - in fact I had it for lunch! There's a pizza parlour on almost every corner up here in Massachusetts and we have a gazillion ice cream stands and parlours (I read once that my county is the #1 consumer of ice cream in the world).

But when I go South, I always stop at a Waffle House. And by the way, I always keep grits handy because it's a great quick meal.

Rock on, y'all.
Is there a place in the world where if you give them pizza, they wouldn't eat it? If there is, I don't want to go there!

I'm not in the deep south, no, but I'm a part of the bible belt if that tells ya anything... and I LOVE me some pizza. No deep dish, no thin crust. Normal (if not a little thick) with good quality cheese, lots of meat, and black olives. That's how I like my pizza. I've been to chicago, ate their pizza, and didn't eat all of it because I couldn't stand it.

But I'm not a pizza connoisseur either...
The best pizza I have ever eaten was in Kennesaw, Georgia at a place called Big Pie in the Sky. I still miss that place. I've eaten at numerous pizza places in Kentucky and a couple in Ohio. Sorry they ain't got nothing on Big Pie in the Sky. Currently the best pizza place locally is a Italian place called Alfonzo's well worth the 30 mile trek.

I have to agree if someone comes here from the North saying you don't know what pizza is til you tried this pizza from a northern state you will go out of business fast.

As for grits, did you know they serve them at Disney World in quite a few of their restaurants. I about freaked when I went to eat at The Coral Reef Restaurant, as you would think seafood, and cheesy grits was the side item for steak. FYI- Disney also knows how to cook a pretty darn good pizza!! and everything else, expensive, but good.
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