Do people in southern states like pizza?

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Culture shock- no doubt!

What I wouldn't give to have a Catholic church with Friday night fish fries and homemade peirogis around here. I never thought I would actually miss Lent!

I'm lucky to live in a town with a Polish population, so between Lent and Easter we get to eat paczkis ("poonchkees") --- the Polish version of jelly doughnuts. Yuuuuummmmeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! They are supposed to be eaten on Mardi Gras (Polish version of Mardi Gras is actually on Thursday!), but the bakeries here make them right through Easter. No one in his right mind will give up paczkis for Lent; they're too good to have just for Fat Tuesday(Thursday)!
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With one parent born on each side of the Mason-Dixon Line, I'm not sure which half of me should be more offended by the content of this thread.
I have found paczki ONCE in the 5 years we've been here. My husband almost fainted when I brought them in the house.   

He he, we just had some of them,.. raspberry and blueberry.. :p (if i'm thinking of the right thing..)

Hubby is polish, so he grew up on all those goodies..
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I'm lucky to live in a town with a Polish population, so between Lent and Easter we get to eat paczkis ("poonchkees") --- the Polish version of jelly doughnuts. Yuuuuummmmeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! They are supposed to be eaten on Mardi Gras (Polish version of Mardi Gras is actually on Thursday!), but the bakeries here make them right through Easter. No one in his right mind will give up paczkis for Lent; they're too good to have just for Fat Tuesday(Thursday)! :D

Yep, same here..
Those old polish church ladies sure do know how to make some good pierogis too....
I'm safe,.. hee hee
I was raised half my life in the south, and the other half up here.. :D
And yeah, i loooove my grits... :p
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