Do people lie about how many eggs they get??

Eighteen hens, and I am getting anywhere from 10 to 15 eggs a day right now. There are 3 BO, 3 years old, 1 that looks like a GSW cross, age unknown, maybe 5 yo???, 9 EE, one-year olds, and ... um .... I forget what the other two are right now... (it's late, lol!). Natural light, and we're very satisfied with production. Basically we are averaging about a dozen a day.

ETA: Man, it really is late! My math is all over the place with this post. Never mind, I'm going to bed. Good night!
I have a mixed flock of 11 hens. I get between 9 and 11 eggs daily, they haven’t slowed down yet even though the days are getting shorter and colder. Last winter they still produced about 5 or 6 a day. They’re all aged between 1 and 3 years old.
We have 7 chickens... when school was in session, just recently, I was getting 5-6 eggs a day. Not during the winter, mind you, because they do no have a light. Then we were getting 2-3 per day. All of my hens are the same age, 1 year, and only one has molted fully.

Then school went virtual, we had spring break, and they all went on strike! I was getting like 1 or 2 eggs a day ... I have a very moody bunch of chickens is all that I can say. They like their routine, they like to be the center of attention at school, and they get bored easily. So rather than lay eggs they are picking the feathers out of each others butts!

I have started a regular routine back with them, and they are starting to lay, about 4 a day on a GOOD day. Their butts are all purple (Blue Kote plus red butts equals purple, WHICH is the school color). People are socially distant but visiting regularly.

So, long story short, no answers, just telling my story ... Thanks.
It all depends on which chicken. I have all different breeds. I have a couple that lay mostly every day no matter what season, I have others that lay about every other, and others that go all crazy multiple times a year and dont lay at all. Just depends.
Ok, so I am so tired of hearing this " I get an egg a day from all my hens" (in like January!!!!)
I have beautiful healthy free ranging hens- They get free choice pellets. BOSS almost every day/or every other day (about 1 cup maybe)? and daily kitchen scraps.
.....and I get about 10 eggs a day from 20 hens.Thats on a good day in sunny but cold March. In January? Maybe 4-5 a day.

I have 3 hens that are 2.5 yr old.
I have 15 hens that are 1.5 yr old
I have 2 hens that are almost 1 yr old.
I have (2)danish brown leghorn, (3)welsummer, (3)Silver Laced Wyandotte, (1)Cream Legbar and (11) Easter Eggers

On a really good day I would get 14-17. In spring. How are all these people getting an egg a day?????
Ok, so I am so tired of hearing this " I get an egg a day from all my hens" (in like January!!!!)
I have beautiful healthy free ranging hens- They get free choice pellets. BOSS almost every day/or every other day (about 1 cup maybe)? and daily kitchen scraps.
.....and I get about 10 eggs a day from 20 hens.Thats on a good day in sunny but cold March. In January? Maybe 4-5 a day.

I have 3 hens that are 2.5 yr old.
I have 15 hens that are 1.5 yr old
I have 2 hens that are almost 1 yr old.
I have (2)danish brown leghorn, (3)welsummer, (3)Silver Laced Wyandotte, (1)Cream Legbar and (11) Easter Eggers

On a really good day I would get 14-17. In spring. How are all these people getting an egg a day?????
  • I
I have been raising chickens for eight years in northern California. I do not give them light in the winter. They stop laying in late fall and don't start laying until March. I am a major fan of red sex link or black sex link. Once the girls start laying I get six eggs per chicken per seven days.

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