Do people look at you weird when you say you have pet chickens?

I'll have to take a picture of my name tag that I wear at work...
but I just wanted to let you know it has a subtitle line which reads "Chicken Lady"
There wasn't room for crazy...sadly.
Depends where you live... my friends mostly just think I'm odd because I have my chickens shipped to me through the mail... but I told my english teacher about it and now she has chickens and my government teacher has ordered offline before too... but Mr. Buzzi is a odd man.
Most of my friends kinda figured me for getting a "weird" pet so it didn't phase them. They are illegal here so some folks are shocked that I would break a law, but not that I'd want chickens. I'm not the law breaking type. I love chickens though so most folks were like, "Oh yeah, 'bout time"

I have one friend who said, "What if they poop on you." I thought that was a very silly question. I mean what if her huge dogs poop on her? You wash it off and move on, that's why I have soap and warm water. *shrug* Also they never have. I think they hold it while I'm holding them. They always go when I put them down.

That same friend hates eggs though. She says, "An egg is a chicken's period" which is true I guess, but they are amazing. Oh that's also why no one was phased by me getting chickens, my favorite food is eggs. Prepared any way. Everyone knows that because it comes up in my Primary class I do at church a lot and it's odd so they remember.

I want to try duck and quail eggs now.
I definitely get weird looks. Then they start with all the questions. One woman COULD NOT understand why I'd ever want chickens and nothing I said was changing her mind. I could see it on her face.
Me to! I'm turning 16 in a month and going to be a junior in highschool, and people look at me like a big weirdo, its like wth? I love my chickens, they are like my babies. but when i tell that to other people, they think i'm a nutjob
yea, people ask me to if i eat them and such. It's like dude, i said they were like my babies. I'm not gunna eat my own children! jeesh.
Oh man do I ever!! My BF's friends and family give me the worst flack for having my chickens. Especially since getting my one showgirl. They make jokes about eating them, about sleeping in the coop (Of course I don't! but they all joke that I will
) and of course they call me the Chicken lady now...
. The worst for me is his brother, he tells complete strangers that I have chickens so I must be a country bumpkin...
. The only person who doesn't make fun of me is my dad, he thinks they are pretty cool too
love my dad:)
OMG YES!!! My friends and most family make fun of me. I've always been that gothic rocker looking chick that hung out with the boys and now that I have my babies, they are SOOOO much fun, I cant help but to tell ppl and show them off. Im always telling my friends, "you should get some, they are fun and easy to deal with". I get laughed at. Called "Shelly the chicken farmer". Whatever is what I say. I love them and yer just jealous
Yes... I'm not the "farmer" type (read: princess) BUT nothing makes me happier than putting on jeans and just stitting with the girls....they are great therapy and much less expensive than "retail therapy" which I'm quite fond of.

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