Do people look at you weird when you say you have pet chickens?


8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
Southern California
Hi, I am the very proud owner of five chickens. Everytime my ownership of chickens comes up in conversation, it feels like people think it's weird...

They crack lame jokes about me eating my chickens... I ask them if they plan on eating their dog or cat...

They think it means I live on a farm (I wish)...

Does this happen to you guys also?

I love this forum because it validates my feelings about enjoying my precious birds with other people who are just as weird as I apparently am.
OHHH this happenes a lot to me! since im still in school, my friends dont understand!!! i have about 2 friends that do!! they all make fun of me!!! but its okay cause all of them have cats that rip them to shreds and i have chickens that make me food and dont pee on the floor
Not any more, they don't. But I suppose if I met new folks and talked about it, those might look at me oddly. Nope, I don't have a farm. Just a backyard chicken keeper. Of quite a few chickens, plus some ducks, and a pair of geese. Love 'em. They're named. Yup, they're pets with benefits!

Even if they never laid another egg, they'd still eat bugs, and still make me laugh.
When I tell people that I raise chickens they say that it's cool and that they always wished they had some.
I've never heard anyone tell me its weird, and when they ask me why I keep them I say why not? They provide free eggs and meat, it's a fun hobby you can do from they day you're born till the day you die.
No not at all, but then again I don't ever refer to them as PET !! chickens which they are not. I live in the country most of us out here have them and we all use them in the same manner, Meat, eggs, fertilizer. They never ever come in the house, they don't have names, We care for them well, they are healthy and content and the treat us to their bounty in return. But if I ever refered to them as pet's I would expect a crazy look as it should be, chickens are livestock around here, not house chickens.
Well, like I said, I don't live on a farm, so a chicken in the city where I live is most likely a pet. They stay outside though.

If I lived in town or a suburban setting I would also find a way to have a few chickens, I couldn't survive without my fresh laid eggs.

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