Do Pullets need their combs fully grown before they lay?


8 Years
May 17, 2011
Austin, TX
I haven't really seen any discussion on combs and wattles growing our vs. when the pullet starts to lay. Can they start laying before their combs and wattles are fully formed? Just curious.

I hav a question....we have 4 EE's, bought all 4 the same time & place. Only 1 (the smallest ) is laying for 3 weeks now. When should the others start????
Thanks for the answers! I have 4 - 15 week old pullets and a few have started squatting so I think they're starting to get ready but their combs and wattles aren't mature yet.

Have a good weekend!
5Leepy! :

I haven't really seen any discussion on combs and wattles growing our vs. when the pullet starts to lay. Can they start laying before their combs and wattles are fully formed? Just curious.


Interesting question. I guess certain breeds to have nice red wattle and comb before laying. But each pullet is an individual and will have different sized of combs and wattles.

Big Sister has fairly small comb and wattles yet she manages to lay 5 brown eggs a week:


While Askew sports a nicer set of wattles and combs. She lays a small brown egg:


And this manly (and muddy) pullet lays a large very light brown egg:


And my runt, Morse Code lays a tiny banty egg with double yolks!

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with my girls the first ones to lay had the smallest combs and wattles that were very light pink in color. it took my by surprise because i thought i would get eggs first from the girls who were a lot more developed but they started last.
I went to get some pullets from this guy once. I was trying my best to catch the most mature looking pullets.
The man said "I think I know what you are doing and it might actually backfire on you." He said all the pullets were 16 weeks.
We did a little experiment and got half mature looking and half not. Sure enough the younger LOOKING pullets layed first.
Go figure!
Well I got a mix of pullets from feed store 5/20 RIR, SLW, BR, and 2 EE, BO--my EE looks ready and 1 of my SLW looks ready, 1 of my BR looks ready...not sure wahat may happen...guess they will be ready when they are ready. Makes it like Christmas...go out everyday looking for a present never know what you may find....LOL

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