Do quails sit on their own eggs to hatch them?

Can you be any more insulting? Coturnix quail aren't found in the wild. They've been bred in captivity for thousands of years, which is why they have issues with natural reproduction. If you were even familiar with coturnix quail, you'd know that much.

Wild quail do hatch their own eggs but I'd bet that you may have issues with getting wild quail to breed in captivity, much like many other species of animals have issues breeding in captivity.

I agree 100%

Coturnix and buttons can go broody but the odds that they will stay broody until hatch is very low.
I have a Coturnix hen sitting on a nest of 10 eggs. She has been on the best for going on 3 weeks now. How long does it take for the eggs to hatch?
I have a Coturnix hen sitting on a nest of 10 eggs. She has been on the best for going on 3 weeks now. How long does it take for the eggs to hatch?
Hard to say precisely since it is outside the controlled environment of an incubator. But right about now they should be hatching if she has really been siting on them for 3 weeks. A liberal range would be 17-21 days.
I have 5 baby chicks this morning
. The hen and the chicks are still huddled in the nest:)

Super! I hope you post pictures.
if you dont mind me asking, how many days did ur hen nest on her eggs before hatching?. my girl has been on hers tightly for 19 days today and still no sign of hatching. I am too afraid to touch the eggs though i have touched them before but right in the earlier days, i just dont want everything to go south from here if she is so close to having her chicks.

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