I spoke with my friend Tom who happens to be, through no small coincidence, my route postman. We've been friends for awhile now I consulted for him on a real estate situation he had last year. Needless to say, we are pretty good acquaintences.
He recommended that my shipped eggs be sent 'Hold for Pickup', as that generally will give the better chance. He also agreed that the extra money for Special Handling is probably a waste.
He did love the idea of the pictures on the package, though, especially the ones that show what the eggs will one day become.
Marking them FRAGILE and "Hatching Eggs" on the package would likely be overlooked by the average postal handler and certainly by the sorting machines and conveyors.
Like me, he reckons the pictures would get them noticed and at least offer sporting chance on the delivery end.
He recommended that my shipped eggs be sent 'Hold for Pickup', as that generally will give the better chance. He also agreed that the extra money for Special Handling is probably a waste.
He did love the idea of the pictures on the package, though, especially the ones that show what the eggs will one day become.
Marking them FRAGILE and "Hatching Eggs" on the package would likely be overlooked by the average postal handler and certainly by the sorting machines and conveyors.
Like me, he reckons the pictures would get them noticed and at least offer sporting chance on the delivery end.