Do you believe in life beyond our planet, or galaxy?

Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?

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I totally misread this entire thing!!!
Totally was reading that as if there is life after death!!! 🤣😇
Sorry bout that yall!
I have no idea what's out there besides us!
Speaking about life, & death. I do believe in reincarnation, that our souls are recycled over, & over, we're truly not gone once dead.
Yes. Unhesitatingly, I do think there is other life "out there". Considering how vast and old the universe is, while at the same time being mostly composed of the same things and undergoing the same processes all over the place, I think it would be arrogant of us to assume that our one little moist rock in space is the only place, and the only time in the entire history of the universe, that life has evolved. Just look at the diversity of expression of the primordial soup here on this ONE planet orbiting a fairly mundane and common star in the backwater of a typical spiral galaxy. Statistically, there is a 0% chance we're unique in that regard.

Intelligent life? Possibly. I get the feeling that the odds are good, but at the same time, our odds of ever meeting another culture at equal or greater level of advancement than we are is very low. Our own efforts would involve unified global efforts to build and maintain a spacefaring infrastructure to get out out there even looking, and We don't seem to like to get along enough to make that happen right now. If that's also common, none of our potential neighbors are likely to be able to range too far from home either and we'll likely never meet them.
Yes. Unhesitatingly, I do think there is other life "out there". Considering how vast and old the universe is, while at the same time being mostly composed of the same things and undergoing the same processes all over the place, I think it would be arrogant of us to assume that our one little moist rock in space is the only place, and the only time in the entire history of the universe, that life has evolved. Just look at the diversity of expression of the primordial soup here on this ONE planet orbiting a fairly mundane and common star in the backwater of a typical spiral galaxy. Statistically, there is a 0% chance we're unique in that regard.

Intelligent life? Possibly. I get the feeling that the odds are good, but at the same time, our odds of ever meeting another culture at equal or greater level of advancement than we are is very low. Our own efforts would involve unified global efforts to build and maintain a spacefaring infrastructure to get out out there even looking, and We don't seem to like to get along enough to make that happen right now. If that's also common, none of our potential neighbors are likely to be able to range too far from home either and we'll likely never meet them.
Very interesting and sensible viewpoint.
Don't believe there's anything out there.
If there was I'd expect we would of already found them and harvested them for food or vice versa.
Space is a pretty big place. Getting here from there would require either more than our human lifespans, or some pretty advanced tech that defies what we know about physics today. Our closest stellar neighbor, Proxima Centauri, is 4.22 light years away. A light year is basically "how many miles can a beam of light travel in one year's time". That's roughly 5,878,625,370,000 miles. 5 TRILLION. So prox. C is 23,514,501,480,000 miles away. We don't have anything that can travel at light speed today. The Parker Solar probe holds our speed record at 364,621 MPH, At that speed it would take Parker 16,122,563.8 hours to travel one light year's distance. to get to Proxima C, 68,037,219.6 hours, or 7,766 YEARS to travel to Proxima Centauri today in our fastest ship. The distances involved are (no pun intended) astronomical. In all that vastness, it's going to be easy to hide a civilization, and to hide from one. We may never meet, but that doesn't mean they're not out there. If we're not super tasty, the effort needed to come farm us is probably not worth the resource expenditure :)
Ya but most "believers" believe there's been aliens already here.
So are those nonsensical believers?
I've yet to see anyone able to convincingly, scientifically, and verifiably prove or disprove that theory, so I would not presume to judge. Walk a mile in their shoes, and all that. Overcoming a firmly held belief with logic and fact is an almost impossible task, and even more when your facts are "we just don't know yet". Maybe they're right? Who knows?
I've yet to see anyone able to convincingly, scientifically, and verifiably prove or disprove that theory, so I would not presume to judge. Walk a mile in their shoes, and all that. Overcoming a firmly held belief with logic and fact is an almost impossible task, and even more when your facts are "we just don't know yet". Maybe they're right? Who knows?
That's a very neutral feel good answer.
Nothing wrong with that just not my style.

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