Do you chooks pay for themselves??

sure they do, if you don't count the cost of the building,watering equipment, fencing, brooder supplies, and all the other geegaws that go with it. They do pay for their feed, bedding, and replacement chix, which is a better deal than any other animal hobby I've had........
R they suppose to? Seems I might need to have a little talk w/my trio.............if the 2 hens want to be stay-at-home mom's the rooster can at least go out and get a job!!!!

Altho Red the dog does like their eggs....she even wiggles her fat butt when I got to chicken house to get her some eggs. At what price do I place that?
Chicken coop, run, and all neccessary equipment just to get me started= $2000

30 Baby chicks from the hatchery+shipping= $75

Being a grown man and turning into a puddle when I hold them babies= Priceless
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No, they owe me big time! I willl never see the $$$$ but I will see the satisfaction of a well maintained happy flock ...I hope!
Well....if I consider the expenses incurred over the last year verses what I received in sales from chicks and grown chickens, the difference would just barely pay for their feed. But, the sale of my yellow golden pheasant chicks and my pea fowl actually helped pay for some of their supplies, you know, feeders, waterers, fencing, etc.
No, I do not expect this to turn out to be some kind of grand enterprise. I just do it for the most part for the enjoyment of it all!
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Ha, I know mine don't pay for themselves! But seeing as I keep my chickens as pets anyway, I certainly don't mind. The eggs are just a nice bonus, like my chickens giving me a gift for taking good care of them.
I love my chickens!
Most definately! I owe mine BIG TIME, for the priceless feeling of overwhelming joy and exhaustive aches and pains that accompany a feeling of a job well done and time spent with great company so I sleep deeply and wake to greet another day while looking forward to running out to do it all over again...the beautiful eggs are a holiday gift every time I gather them, in awe of something so pretty and usually a daily present to look forward to. The only thing better would be to have a single big barn with more animals in it and time to do nothing but spend in it with their company, cleaning, watering, feeding and discussing all the topics they come up with:cool:

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