Do you have a dog that hangs out with your chickens?

I would take exception to the statement " bird dogs are only doing what they were bred to to" when they kill a chicken. Bird dogs were not bread to kill, they are bred to retrieve. They are to have soft/gentle mouths so as not to crush the bird upon retrieval. So to kill a chicken is just plain sport to any dog that kills. There is no logical reason any bird dogs can't be good with chickens. Case in point-the German Short Hair Pointer. Argument? Golden Retriever. My Golden, she gone now, brought me a bird that had fallen out of it's nest in her mouth. Unharmed but a little damp.

So I do take exception to bird dogs being bred to kill.
My "hunting" dogs are always awesome with chickens, don't write them off.
We don't use them to hunt, but more than a few have been working dogs before they make it out here, so that urge is right on the surface. They're all plott hounds & coonhounds.

If anything, our most battle-hardened foster, has been the most useful dog we've had. She's smart, and because she was a working dog, she has always been really on the ball with commands (others take a while to learn). She's a complete lazy bones 90% of the time, and won't be bothered to get up from a nap when the chickens peck her, climb on her, or run over her legs screeching for treats. She has an intense hatred for raccoons, coyotes, and possum from her past, so that other 10% of the time is usually maniacal attempts to try and get those, which keeps the livestock safe and comfy.

The biggest problem I have with the rest and the flock is how much they want to eat chicken poop. None express the immediate prey drive that our friend's shepherd mix does (she cannot come over until the chickens are locked up, she's broken through collars trying to get other animals) towards our animals, and any time they get too into sniffing butts, they get pecked on the face, and come sprinting over to us looking for sympathy. Big babies, the lot of them.
Our two dogs are both rescues and both mutts - the young one is likely a pitbull/springer spaniel mix and the older one is likely a beagle/red heeler. Both seem to be mixes of dogs that would have large prey/hunting drives, yet both quickly learned that chickens were part of the family. The pittie cross has been known to sneak into the "free-range" area (fenced) just to hang out with the chickens - she is absolutely terrific with them and very gentle in their presence. The red heeler mix mostly ignores the chickens but is fine being around them if the chickens are out in the yard. Both dogs are very good with cats as well, though this took some time and patience and the interactions/reactions really depend on the individual cat - one of the barn cats has both dogs so completely intimidated that they won't make eye contact and do their best to avoid him. This cat has even "trapped" these two dogs in various sheds just by sitting in the door - but they do not react aggressively when he does this, they just whine and sit and wait to be rescued. On the other side of things, two of the house cats regularly sleep with/on/between the two dogs. The pittie is great with all people, kids included. The heeler is old and set in his ways and initially sounds quite fierce with new people coming on his property and while he tolerates kids, I doubt he would put up with being poked and prodded and....

It really boils down to the individual dog and the owners - I wouldn't say yes or no to a dog based on breed, just be prepared to spend time with the dog to introduce it to kids and chickens
So true. My Golden never bothers the chickens at all, but he also wouldn't act if a bullsnake or something else got in the pen or something chases them while they are out free ranging. The Maremmas do, but that is what THEY were bred for. Dogs are all such individuals. Truly amazing animals!
My german shepherd mutt actually has been keeping the baby chicks clean. He loves them. I think its mostly in the way you raise them.


Ratchett, good with chickens.


Menace, bad with chickens.
I have a border collie who thinks we got the chickens for her
She tries to herd them out in the AM and in at night and STARES at them in that intense border collie way most of the day.

Our German Shepherd who recently passed away
, LOVED the chicks and was always checking on them
I have a toy Yorkie, he loves the chickens, they follow him all around the yard. Sometimes I'll even find him asleep in the coop with the chickens at night.


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