Do you let your chickens out in the cold rain?

I let them out in the rain. They can choose to go out - some do, some don't. Usually if it's pouring they stay in. I haven't had any of them get cold - they have a warm, dry down layer underneath their wet, slicked back feathers.
I don’t let them out in the rain because if they get into trouble I don’t want to go in the rain to deal with the situation.
I don’t let them out in the rain because if they get into trouble I don’t want to go in the rain to deal with the situation.

If I didn't let mine out in the rain, they wouldn't get to go outside for days or a week at a time!

I guess when you get enough rain, it becomes completely normal to do everything even while it's raining. I watch people blowing leaves, mowing the lawn, all in the rain.
The rain in spain stays mainly in the plain.

The rain fouls my fowls
Mud and crud made around,
Spreads to my birds, roost and run,
Hope lies ahead, bring me (please) the wind and the sun.

-The Cheeky Chicken, 2019

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