Do you think he/she is a cockerel?


5 Years
Mar 13, 2014
I have four six week old chicks (although they don't look like chicks anymore!). Anyways, one looks different then the others, and I'm wondering if maybe he/she is going to be a cockerel? The white fluffy one with fuzzy feet is a bantam, not sure what kind though. The two orange ones are Buff Orpingtons. The other is a Blue Andalusion, and he/she is the one I'm wondering about. If you look at them, the others have fluffier butts. The Andalusion has a less fluffy, pointier tail. I'm not sure if it's just the breed, or if it's a sign that he/she is in fact a cockerel? What do you guys think? Also, if he/she is a cockerel, will he be okay living with three hens?

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I think it's a girl, Andalusians are just a streamlined bird. If it's a boy, though, you shouldn't have a problem with him and the girls. I don't think I've ever had a rooster be mean to a hen, even the human agressive ones.
Your Andalusian looks to be a pullet...the tail is just the style of the breed.

You can't compare the development of different breeds as an Orpington develops much differently than a bird like the Andalusian.

It is early yet, at 4 weeks, but nothing is screaming roo in any of them. Watch the combs. Most breeds the comb and wattles is the give away to the males long before the saddle feathers and sickle tail feathers come in.

Males will get larger much redder combs 6 weeks to 10 weeks. Females will get red combs and wattle too, but not until almost point of lay, around 20 weeks.

Lady of McCamley
Your Andalusian looks to be a pullet...the tail is just the style of the breed.

You can't compare the development of different breeds as an Orpington develops much differently than a bird like the Andalusian.

It is early yet, at 4 weeks, but nothing is screaming roo in any of them. Watch the combs. Most breeds the comb and wattles is the give away to the males long before the saddle feathers and sickle tail feathers come in.

Males will get larger much redder combs 6 weeks to 10 weeks. Females will get red combs and wattle too, but not until almost point of lay, around 20 weeks.

Lady of McCamley
Thank you.
Although you should know that they are six weeks, not four. I said I have four, six week old chicks. Not a big deal, but I thought I'd point it out so no none else got confused. :)
So far they all look like ladies. Andalusians are just like that, rooish stance, upright tails, large comb. At six weeks, my boy had a massive red comb and wattles, so I'm pretty sure yours is a pullet

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