Do you think they want to get out of their brooder?


6 Years
Mar 11, 2013

The weather has not been cooperative in missouri this spring! Tomorrow will be the first day warm enough to paint the coop. And we cant set up the run until the coop is painted. That, and we just had a 32 degree night, and I'd rather their first night not be freezing. We do have electric ready so we can add the light. The dust is overwhelming in my garage. I now have to clean the brooder EVERY DAY! They are about 6 1/2 weeks old.

Now when I take the wire lid off the coop, this is what happens. LOTS of poop on my garage floor. (they also all try to sit in my lap at once. sweet little things!)

Just venting!


PS. See my roo?
Lol I'm in the same boat as you. Can't finish the coop too much rain. 15 chicks in a huge brooder box in the garage and dust over everything! Can't wait for a dry couple of days maybe I can get it finished. Wishing for dry wether for both of us. Good luck on your coop!

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