Do your kids call adults by their first name?

I was raised in Tennessee. Strange adults and teachers were Mr/Mrs plus last name.

Familiar adults like family friends and Sunday School teachers were Mr./Miss plus first name.

My husband, California raised, nearly died when I referred to his mom as Miss Carol. He told me that wouldn't work at all, she's just Carol.

I like the Southern version. Familiar and respectful at the same time.
Friends parents are MRS and MR I personally HATE being called MRS Dean!!!!!! So I do ask to be called Allie but there are some that do still call me MRS Dean NO matter how many time I tell her to call me Allie lol . Dear family friends are called by first names by my kidz ..... At there request.... We spend 4 wks or more at fairs each summer and theres one other family that we basically live with during fair wks and my kidz call her Mom too and her kidz do the same. I have so many kidz calling me mom at fair that I have a tee shirt that says " who are these kidz and why are they calling me mom" lol
Depends on the adults and how close we are to them. Some our kids have known all their lives and they get called by first names. Newer adult friends are Mr/Mrs unless they request otherwise. No aunt or uncle here either. No, we aren't disrespectful, it's just where we are and the sign of the times.
My son's friends call me Mrs D...... the first letter of our surname...however I adore Hennysmom's children who call me Miss Linda.....respectful and cute!
Our kids called every one MR or Miss then thier frist name like "MR Ron" or "Miss Betty". With some people the kids will use that persons last name instead. Like Mr. Filmore. I think it shows the child has more respect for that person. They are never forced to call any one by that pesons last name. But must use Mr or Miss


edited to add no aunt or uncle. Those are allready very special people
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Is there something wrong with kids calling people by their first names? My dd (3) calls her aunt auntie, uncle is uncle Allen, and the grandparents have various names. Otherwise she calls everyone by their first names.
I was raised to use the title, Ms. Mr. etc, but now with Steven the situation has changed a bit. If someone resquests that they be called by their first name and I insist he use their title, it becomes an uncomfortable situation for all involved. We have friends that he calls by their first name unless he is a the school, then he uses their title, but away from work their first name. He only does that if the person requests it.
I stopped enforcing the use of titles when a good friend of mine, that Steven was just meeting said to use his first name. Steven said he wasn't allowed to do that, it was out of respect, and my friend said he understood that but wasn't comfortable with it and if the respect was being shown to him, then it would be more respectful to respect his wishes in what he wants to be called.
To me that makes sense and since it is a whole new generation it's fine with me.

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