Does anybody know what this is?

If the chick already has cocci, then (from what I understand, so I may be wrong) giving the medicated feed won't help at this point. You will have to give some sort of medication to the chick (by hand if he/she isn't eating/drinking) in order to treat the cocci.

Chances are your adult birds are fine. Chickens build a resistance to cocci, so unless you see symptoms in the adults, don't worry about it.
If the chick already has cocci, then (from what I understand, so I may be wrong) giving the medicated feed won't help at this point. You will have to give some sort of medication to the chick (by hand if he/she isn't eating/drinking) in order to treat the cocci.

I agree with BarkerChicken on this...just wanted Burton Wyandotte to know about it for future use...thanks for clarifying that though!
My chicks did that at age 3 weeks. I called the vet and he gave me a syringe and medicine. I gave it to them (in their mouth with the syringe) 2x a day for 4 days. They all perked up after the first day and all survived. It is important to act quickly. The vet charged me $5 when I picked up the stuff. I'd try calling a vet and telling them your chicks probably have cocci. I wish I could remember what he gave me - sorry!

Good luck!!!
Thats allright, but it sounds great about calling the vet and he got you something that worked, I'll have to try that... But I allready gave them some sulmet to drink. Would it be allright if the big chickens drink the sulmet that is ment for the little chicks? Because I have the moms in with the chicks. I mean it wont hurt the big chickens if they drink it to will it? Thanks
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Hello, Wed. nite when I got home from work my 4 wk old chick looked like yours. I seperated her from the other 5 chicks. I am watching them carefully.

I had read before about cocci and that her poo would have blood in it....not so....I think that is in the last stages. I called around for one sold it in my area so I had to order it from Jeffers. (It is on it's way should get it Sat).

I called a feed store and she had Duramycin-10 ( you mix it with water) I know it is an antibiotic but my little girl Molly was so sick.
I gave it to her with a syringe and I mixed it with her feed (made it really moist) and she ate. The brooder for the other chicks is 75 deg. For Molly I heated her pen back up to about 85-90 (her feathers were fluffed up, she was sleeping standing up and the bottoms of her feet were cold). Everytime she woke up I fed her the moist food mixture and gave her water.

Today she is looking better....still when I get the corid I am giving it to her and the other 5. Better safe than sorry. Hope this helps.....just make sure she is eating and her to make sure....hand feed her (like I did Molly) if you have to.
Are her eyes swollen shut ,having hard time breathing ,if so I would keep giving Duramycin-10 daily you might have to feed it to them also make sure you treat all of the others to. Its sounds like CRD
until you can get Amprol go to First State Vet supply online just google it. Please put powdered milk in their feed, it cant hurt and might just save the last one. I have been through this before, the powdered milk is not a cure but coats the intestines reducing the damage the cocci is causing. I would do it immediately and if it wont eat it try to force feed it a bit but you may loose this one too.

To be on the safe side first stop all antibiotic treatment since the cocci does not respond to it anyway and over medicating is just as bad as under.

Give powdered milk to all the chicks that you have now in their feed, even the ones that look fine, it cant hurt them and will only do good.

The get Amprol or corrid from somewhere. I highly recommend First state vet since he has smaller bottles than most people.

Treat all waterers in the coop those birds came from for a week to 10 days with the Amprol. Do the powdered milk in the feed as well. The Amprol blocks the vitamin B that the cocci needs to survive, it is much easier on the birds than any other Cocci remedy.

Soon your chicks will develop a resistance to the Cocci but some need help getting over the initial attack. Cocci is everywhere so it is unavoidable.

Good Luck.
Hey, I will try that powered milk in their feed, it sounds like a great idea
What is Amprol? And as an update...The other one died...All the help I gave her didnt make much of a difference, cocci happens so quickly...Do you think there was something else i could have done? I just hope, and pray that my other little chicks dont get this awful disease. I really want to thank EVERYBODY for all the help I've received. Everybody was extremly helpfull, I could'nt have done what I did or learned what I did without all the help....thanks
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Don't feel bad-seems like by the time you see the symptoms of that blasted stuff it is too late to save them all. You did all you could do since it came up so quickly and they died so quickly.

Amprol is the medication to treat cocci that is in corid.

Treat everyone else so that you don't have to go through this again!
it looks like mine that had cocci. if you cant get corrid use sulmet it works good too just is a little bit harder on their systems.

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