Does anyone have any patience I can borrow? NOSE PRINTS ON MY BATOR!

Hopefully he comes out!

#16 just popped the top off his shell ... had to watch him before I could come report
Another Ameraucana. That makes 11/14 from Dipsy's eggs and at least 1, and I think 2, of the remaining 3 are pipped. I just had a new Hamburg pip, so new pips are still coming in (on Day 23
) Better late than never!

I had one Ameraucana that seemed to still be having from pretty severe muscle contractions and its head kept snapping back over its back so it was having trouble getting around without getting stuck in places. Seems to be mostly right now though.

I have moved the 13 dry chicks to a brooder since it looked like they were causing some problems for one of the hatching chicks by stepping all over its face while it was trying to hatch!

Hopefully can report back in awhile that I have 3 more ameraucana chicks! lol. Still have 7 Hamburgs to go and 1 serama to go. Some of the Hamburgs (and I think the serama, but cannot tell) have pipped, but some of them were weird when I candled on day 18, so not holding my breath ... still crossing fingers though

I will post pics of the dry chicks as soon as I get a chance
Catwalk, I would love it if you would post pics of yours once your hatch is finished and they are in the brooder
(or whenever you can get pics, lol)
My Serama babies at one day old. There were some late quitters who might have survived if I hadn't fiddled with the eggs so much. I took the yellow one to the post office to have her weighed, .6oz. Rizq, I'd like to see photos of your hatch. I have 7 Ameraucana eggs due next weekend, but then I'm done for a while. Are you gonna wipe the nose prints off your bator and start again? Thand you for sharing your hatch with me!
I do have pics to post as soon as I get time to upload them
Your seramas are so cute!

I still have 2 Ameraucana eggs in there that have not hatched but have not died yet either, so still waiting. I had planned on setting the next batch today! lol Hopefully tomorrow or Sunday. Definitely have some cleaning to do in that bator ... inside and out
Becky the white chick is tiny I just tried to weigh her on the weight watchers scale and it looks like 1/ 2 an ounce. she is the smallest I have ever seen and looks real typey.SP wrong?
the blk. is larger and I just got another pip on day 20 from the other 5 still cookin. Do you think they will all be black or white.
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