Does anyone have any patience I can borrow? NOSE PRINTS ON MY BATOR!

What is the longest anyone's hatch has gone past twentyone days?

Hi Ijon1, The latest I personally had eggs hatch was Day 23. I had a hen walk off a nest and had to move them to an incubator.
Sadly, many of the chicks had 'leg issues' from being in the shell too long and had to be put down.

I am on day 22 and one hatched a day early and one hatched yesterday, but nothing else. There are 18 more in the incubator. I wanted more chicks. I hope tomorrow is my lucky day.
I have 4 cochin eggs from rbamterry on here hatching now. My DH just asked me what I wanted to watch on T.V. and I said "How about some 'bator T.V., there are two for you and one for me!" LOL
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No hatchlings yet, they take forever, but I now have 2 am's, 2 SSH, and 1 serama pip that I can see! The shape of this bator makes it hard to see for sure, though. I KNOW those are pipped, but there could be more. And the peeping!
I love hatching! (but I hate it too, takes too long
WOO HOO! Fist Ameraucana made it out at 3:00 a.m. Since then I have a total of 3 am's out (looks like a black, a blue, and either a black or blue, can't get a good look), a serama (chipmunk striped I think), and a SSH (popped out at 11:00)!

I was getting worried about the hamburg, it was the first pipped and just made a pea sized hole in the egg and stopped. At 9:00 this morning it was still just a pea sized hole and the membrane looked kinda dry. I had thoughts of helping going through my head, but REALLY did not want to open the bator. I had decided to let nature take its course on this hatch because, while I have saved some chicks by helping, I think I caused several eggs not to hatch at all by opening the bator. I told myself some are faster and some are slower and it made myself leave it alone and it finished by itself at 11:00
I did have to crack the bator open just a bit (did not affect humidity, surprisingly) to tilt a couple eggs that had fallen in such a way as to pin one of the chicks in the egg and in such a way that the hamburg could not get his tushy popped outta the egg.

FINALLY! Now for the rest of them. I still have 2 hamburg pips that I can see. Now with chickies crawling all over the eggs, it is really hard to check for more pips, lol. Still lots of eggs to go, so hopefully in a few hours I will be able to report to having oodles of chicks! This just never gets less exciting!

Pics as soon as the hatch is finished and I pull the fuzzy butts outta there
Becky, Congrats !
Two of your Seramas have hatched not booted one looks wht. and one dark still wet. 5 more to go but they did not go into the bator same time they are on day 18.
Keep me posted , bet your lovin your new bator!!!!!!!!
Congrats! I have all peeps and no pips. Seramas are on day 20. One pipped the wrong side and drowned, one pipped his beak through and has been happily chirping since. Everyone else is just teasing. What gives?!?
Awesome! Go chickies! I do not know if mine is booted yet or not. The only thing I do not like about this bator is that there is limited room for the chicks when it has a full load, but they seem to be doing fine, just hard to see much, lol. And now the fan is blowing chick down around and it is sticking to the plastic, so it is even harder to see! But I do really like this bator, holds temps rock solid, and humidity is so easy to control too!

Send pics of your babies when you get a chance
I cannot wait to be able to get pics of these. Trying to sit on my hands to keep myself from removing them from the bator.
Sorry about the poor chickie that drowned
I hate it when they mess up like that. I had one pip through a vein and bleed to death on my first hatch ... was my first pip ever, not a very good start.

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