Does anyone have any patience I can borrow? NOSE PRINTS ON MY BATOR!

Oh yeah, it is the BBS Ameracauna that I am MOST excited for, but I am always this excited for a hatch
It has yet to loose its magic for me, I love fuzzy butts!
A full brooder makes a happy home
Okay, so after I wiped the nose prints off my bator I looked in and found ... NOTHING

They are killing me. I swear, this hatch is going to be the death of me!
I feel for ya! It's a long road through incubation!
Turn your back on that 'bator, then they'll hatch!

A watched pot never boils!
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No, still nothing
It is day 21 today, so it is not exactly like they are late yet, but I am SO impatient. I also set them pretty late in the evening, so maybe that is making them seem slower too. I tend to get worried toward the end, especially since I had so much trouble with my last bator (5 chicks out of 72 or so eggs on my last setting), which is why I bought this Brinsea, lol.
I just checked the bator and I have TWO pips!! At least that I can see, it is very possible that there are some hidden pips. One of them is already starting to zip
I had to open the bator a few hours ago because my humidity started to drop ... I sure hope it did not hurt anything. The humidity did not drop when I opened it, it went down to 45% on its own because the wells dried out. I filled them FULL before I locked it down. Going to have to figure out how to get water in there without opening it.

The zipper is one of my hamburgs. The other pip is one of your Ams Lisa
I am SO excited!!!

And to the chicks ... it is about stinkin time!!!

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