Does anyone have emu laying eggs now?

I'm in mass, I only have the two chicks right now. The state regulates select game birds, and emu are one of them, to sell them or even give them away I'd have to have a permit which requires me to prove that I'm going to, or have an interest in participate in the farming of the species, however to own a couple as pets no permit is required. It's a messed up regulation.
I have a couple of hens that usually give me about 12 to 14 eggs each. If you are still looking when they start laying again this fall, I'd be glad to send you a few. They only lay every other day and after I take a few they move and/or stop for a few days. I don't know how far up in MO you are, but I'm in Central Arkansas, might even consider meeting if possible, as I have never shipped them before and I sure don't seem to have much luck with shipped eggs. Just let me know if you are interested. I hate to see the eggs go to waste as I don't really want to hatch any more this year.
Bless your heart, thank you!!! I would love to hatch some and am in the process of making a special 'deep' incubator that will hold them so we don't have to use our LG...

Thank you!!
I have a pair of emus that should start laying in November. The male starts sitting on the eggs around December. So we have hatches in early February. Our male is a great setter and father, and we have pretty good fertility - I haven't kept count in past, but if memory serves it seems that about 80-90% of the eggs hatch. I have also incubated eggs that were almost ready to hatch but the parents had left it to start caring for the other chicks. One that I incubated was a great pet because we brooded him in the house with just one other and he followed us around. I sold him and have heard that the buyers little 4 yr old boy now has made a pal out of him. They sent a picture of the emu on the couch and the boy on the floor watching TV. I always sell the chicks so you can contact me for this coming season.
That makes two of us. I wonder what my luck with shipped eggs would be...
I'm still waiting on them to start laying but will try to email or post here when they do.

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