Does anyone know how to trade applesauce for the oil in a recipe?


11 Years
Jun 17, 2008
I have a cholesterol problem and need to figure out how to exchange applesauce for the oil in a recipe. Anyone know how to figure that one out? Is it 1 cup for 1 cup, or no? Help please!
I think it is equal parts, but not sure. Hopefully Miss Prissy will come along shortly.
I have made cookies etc, that call for 1/2 oil, 1/2 butter. I substituted the 1/2 cup oil with 1/2 cup applesauce. I have also substituted 1/2 mashed banana for oil also.
Thanks guys, I thought it was equal parts too. But I wasn't sure either. I was looking for Miss P before I posted. She's definetly the person to check with on these things. Isn't she? The recipe says not to grease the pan, so because I'm using the applesauce, should I go ahead and grease the pan?
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Adding fructose and glucose (in the form of mashed apples) is the worst thing you can do for high cholesterol.

1. If you are a female, LOW cholesterol is associated with HIGHER mortality.

2. Many people with high cholesterol are prescribed statins but they have only been proven to prevent future heart attacks in men in their 50's who have already had one heart attack.

3. Statin CAN help a bit by reducing inflammation and mimicking the effects of vitamin D in the body. It is way cheaper to reduce your inflammation level by avoiding refined carbohydrates and getting some sun or take d# supplements.

4. Your best indicators for health issues are C-Reactive protein levels and trigylceride levels. If your cholesterol test did not test for particle size, "high cholesterol" really doesn't mean a darn thing.

For more info on cholesterol....

I am guessing that in your recipe, the most unhealthy components in it are flour and sugars. Fat, unless it is hydroginated or highly processed, is not your enemy.
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It is equal parts for substitution... I do it all the time.

You can also use plain yogurt without issues also and it doesnt matter if its fat free, lite, lo-fat or regular, it is totally up to you. I do this for cakes all the time and they turn out wonderful and very moist. For cookies I can do this as well but I usually try to use applesauce - sometimes I use BOTH, (split equally), it all depends.

Gloria - dont grease it - use parchment paper, that way you dont have to worry about anything sticking at all
(parchment is different than wax paper btw, dont get the 2 confused)

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Vegetable oils are what comprise most arterial plaques. Saturated fats and/or monounsatured fats are much healthier than polyunsatured fats. And since the human body NEEDS cholesterol (and produces most of it internally) you don't even need to worry about foods containing cholesterol (like eggs).

You get high cholesterol levels from carbohydrates....not fats.

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