Does anyone know of a way to safey exterminate mice??

Well thanks to all again!!!! I still need to try a bloating killer thing and I will soon one of these nights!!!
And thanks to Tannabyky on the potato flake tip I'm so dum I wouldn't have noticed!!! I will also try the
sunflower seed thing. Those little buggers will be dying soon!!!!!
Wa ha ha a a ahhhhh!!!!! I'm
pure eeeeeeeeevil!!!!!!!
Ok everyone, tonight is the big night!!!! I'm going to hit em' with everything I've got!! Ok well not eeeeverything.
Tonight I'm going to put out the tub of water with the bacon grease coated can on a wire to drown them when
they fall off (wa ha ha haaaaaa!!). That idea was in on a sight in NGaMountainChicken's reply (thanks!) And I also
might try soda, or plaster and peanutbutter.
I will write news of how it goes as soon as I can. But please don't
get your hopes up toooo high cause the little suckers aren't stupid (unfortunetly), so I might not even get anything.
Oh, and I might, if I have enough buckets and sunflower seeds, do the one where they step on the seeds and drown.
(if you haven't noticed I like the idea of drowning them ha ha!!)

P.S. I'm not really evil, but like I said, they have been eating
my feed for years.
I'm surprised that you have mice and no one has mentioned this. My kids kill em and eat em. They kill voles too but won't eat em. If my cat Bob leaves a present the the kids are on it right now and it's gone. Maybe it's a good thing that they sleep in the coop and not in the house.
i seriously think the best way is to get a cat. otherwise any other method..they'll just keep coming back and you can't trap all of them.
i have 3 house cats now that dont do anything..
but originally i adopted a cat that hated being indoors.
he used to roam my huge backyard.
never again did i have any problems with mice or rats.
he never bothered my chickens and they didn't care for him.
now i have 3 useless house cats and lots of field mice....argh...
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Mice forage for food at night. Unless you remove the food at night you will always have mice. Even if you kill the current mice, others will show up to replace their brethren. Mice are also smart enough to learn from the mistakes of peers, so it usually takes a multifaceted plan of attack. In addition to removing the food at night, you should place traps where you see evidence of the mice. Along walls and small openings are good spots. Rodents don't like to be in the open. If you can place poison where your birds can't get to it I would suggest using poison. You may want to get one of those black poison containers you see around restaurants. You can get them at a home improvement store for about $15-20 and they seem to be bird resistant. I had a significant mouse and rat problem at first. The above measures helped quite a bit, but honestly when I adopted a skilled mouser I saw the most improvement. So, a combination of removing the food, traps, poison and a good cat is your best bet. No disrespect to any other BYCers, but I don't believe the not being able to pass gas or burp is true. Mice are mammals and have digestive systems very similar to our own. Now on the other hand, birds are not able to burp due to their anatomy. Good luck on your serial mouse killings!
Hey everyone!!!! I'm sorry that I didn't write yesterday I was very busy. I diiiiiid find time to set the bacon-grease on a can trap on sat night!!!
(arn't you proud of me!!) But I have very bad news. The trap was out on sat night and last night, AND I DIDN'T CATCH ONE MOUSE!!!!!!! I am
utterly shocked!! I thought, "at least I shall be able to catch one mouse out of two nights!" but I suppose I used poor logic. The little things didn't
even seem to notice!!! Although, the night that I set the trap was the last night I saw them out. Maybe it scared them off!!! But according to my
actually educated mouse knowledge, (of my coop mice), they will come back the very night that I remove the trap from the coop, and continue to
eat all my feed!! Well you may have geussed that I am a pessimist ha ha. But I am sure not a quitter!!! I'm going at the little mouse buggers with
all that I got!!! (which isn't much
!! ) I don't think that it is something that I am going to spend money on, so I will just try making stuff or
possibly poison at a last resort. I also will try to find my tub of plaster.

P.S. Please don't leave this thread, I am not giving up on my daring quest!!!!!
And thanks again to all who gave me ideas!!!!
Them mice is go'in doooown
I've had good results with a spring trap and peanut butter. I put it out in the evening and pull it in the morning. The trap will break the neck of the mouse, quick and painless.

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