does anyone know what breed of chicken I have?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 7, 2014

So I went to a local place that sells chicken coops and chickens with all intentions of buying nothing but wyandottes but then I saw ac and dc and couldn't resists they remind me of my son and nephew with there little Mohawks so I had to get them the breeder wasn't quite sure what they were due to him ordering those particular ones from a hatchery. So I researched and researched but can't really find to much. Any and all help identifying them would be greatly appreciated.

So I went to a local place that sells chicken coops and chickens with all intentions of buying nothing but wyandottes but then I saw ac and dc and couldn't resists they remind me of my son and nephew with there little Mohawks so I had to get them the breeder wasn't quite sure what they were due to him ordering those particular ones from a hatchery. So I researched and researched but can't really find to much. Any and all help identifying them would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to BYC - the photo posted seems to be taken in an area lit with a red heat light - do you have a photo with natural lighting?
What color are the legs. The first thing that comes to mind is crested cream legbar, but that's just at first glance - would love to see more pictures.
Thank yall for the responses and there legs are like a golden yellow they are funny little hens and I will definitely look up the breeds and take more pictures of them and post them here. They are free range bright and early in the morning until they decide to come back in and as soon as I open the door they are off so I'll have to get pictures on a good day they are pretty standoffish compared to my wyandottes

im with the rest of them

Crested legbars!! i think its a rooster.
i have a rooster and he has the same "golden eyebrow" as in your last pic!

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