Does anyone know whats going on with the universal health care bill?

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If preventing fraud could fund this new healthcare, why don't they start preventing fraud now, to fix medicare/aid, social security and frivolous bureaucratic wastefullness? Until the government can even prove that they're capable of such a thing, we really shouldn't take on the huge task of revamping our entire healthcare system.

If everyone is going to be required to participate in this thing, it should include all government and union employees, otherwise we seem to be starting a caste system. It's bad enough they don't have to participate in social security. Perhaps if they did, it would be fixed already.

I agree that some changes must be made. Medication should be more affordable. Competition should be made available. Lawsuits should be limited. Something needs to be done about the laidoff workers' coverage. However, if Obama couldn't change my mind about his policy after the last 10 speeches, good chance that the next 10 same speeches aren't going to change it either. Enough press shots already, sit down and start over with Republicans, Democrats, Independents all having a say.

By the way, sure don't appreciate Harry Reid trying to make sure his state is paid for by the rest of the states.
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Walking Wolf, My Mother's insurance covers her doctors, chemo and visits. It does not cover a huge portion of her prescription for Xeloda. I talked to her last night and she has some leads on being able to purchase it from Canada for $850. That is a big savings- $1150 worth. Here is an idea. What if the people who made Xeloda were told that they could not sell it for more than $850??? Do you think they would take their drugs and run to Canada or Mexico, oops they can't.
I guess based on your military service the Government provides excellent health care for you. If they had dropped you after the first $100,000 would you be upset? Insurance companies are in business to make money, you are evidently not helping them do that. That is what happens every day in this country to good hardworking people.

Redhen, I hope you get the infertility treatment you want. However, based on what I am following, if that were to include invitro fertilization I don't think there is anyway that will happen. Invitro fertilization includes selective reduction of embryos (abortion) and there is a huge objection to that. In Arkansas, that is the main objection, the idea of tax dollars paying for abortion (not that we are a big state- I just think it mirrors a large section of the conservative US). Why fertility doctors aren't blown up or shot I have yet to figure out.
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I am sorry about your mother, chemotherapy is expensive, Xeloda is chemotherapy in oral form. It is also a either or drug, that other therapies exist for and that is probably why the insurance is not covering it. Almost all the drug companies have programs for those without insurance or coverage and the drugs are provided free of charge. I suggest contacting Roche for such a program. This is one of the reasons the drug is more expensive than Canada, because of their socialized health care either it is provided for them or they are denied, and there is no in between unless you have private stop gap insurance on top of the gov plan in Canada.

Just like the rest of health care us that can afford or have good insurance pay more so these free programs can exist, some even funded partly by those mean and nasty insurance companies.

My insurance is with a private insurance company, not the gov. If I waited on the VA I would be dead already though a good example of why we should not have mandatory public health insurance.
I am so sorry about your Mom. Would your cancer clinics pay for her Meds? or are they cheaper to order them from Canada?
ALLOT of Americans buy their Meds in Canada because it is cheaper. Busloads of seniors travel across the border on Med Runs.
Many order by mail thru
Thank you for the clear cut info on your proposed health care program.
Blackbart, thank you!!

Walkingwolf, My Mom is not homeless or indigent (spelling?) at this point as I have said. She would not qualify as someone without health insurance because she does have two sets of insurance. She has been able to get free samples here and there from her Doctor but they have to limit that due to the enormous demand for it.
There was an article in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette yesterday that really nailed on the head the similiar situation of my Mother. To summarize, a mother gave birth to a child with a rare genetic issue, she had to quit her job where she had health care to care for her child that needed 24 hour care. She applied for state assistance but would have been denied because her husband made more than $10 hour (he made $12) so she lied on the form. She was found out and no doctors would look at her son or provide therapy because she did not have insurance. Not really the same thing but it was similiar in that my Mom works, pays her bills etc... really can't afford to retire and pays for health insurance.

I had a friend who grew up in a very conservative family. They had seven kids and no health insurance. They believed that God would keep them all healthy and he did for the most part. I remember when won of her sisters was born the Mother gave birth at home and they all buried the placenta under a tree in the yard.
Fast forward 30 years, the Mother gets colon cancer. My friend is on the phone day and night to the State of MD, government programs, trying to get her Mother (who now has a pre-existing condition) into some sort of program. They lied about everything to get her treatment. Her happily married parents divorced so she could receive more benefits. These people had rejected every form of government intereference in their lives, refused to put their children in car seats, complained constantly about paying any type of taxes and didn't for the most part, but the second Mom gets sick everything changes.
I would just like to point out that several very nice countries already have a universal health care program, such as Canada and the UK.

And neither country suffers from any of the problems people claim are going to suddenly infest US health care if a universal health care program passes.

There are two common reasons why people oppose the UHC. The first is greed, these are the folks who work for the insurance companies and are spending loads of money on propaganda to convince people UHC is socialist and communist.

The second is a lot of people suffer from 'can't happen to me syndrome'. These are the people who are apparently convinced they will never be in a situation where they lose a job and the accompanying insurance and are suddenly left with large medical bills and a pre-existing condition for themselves or their beloved family members. They've never been jerked around by an insurance company that was prepared to let them suffer/die rather than spend a few extra bucks up front and solve the problem. They've never had to pawn possessions to get a second opinion from a doctor because they knew the one that the insurance was allowing them to see was wrong and that wrongness would lead to suffering/death.

It happened to me. It happens to many others every year. Medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US. Children are suffering because their parents can't afford to get them basic health care and thus have to use the ER for illnesses that would have been easily dealt with had they been able to see a doctor when the trouble first started. But now, it's too late, all the ER can do is try to make them comfortable.

Syphilis is a disease that if caught when the first symptoms show, can be cured by a $5 shot of antibiotics. Left to where the symptoms reach emergency basis, and it is a horrible way to die.

People are dying of easily treatable diseases. People are being forced to go to the ER and causing people to die in waiting rooms because they can't afford to see a regular doctor.

I see people claiming they would die if they waited on the VA. I know people who use the VA, they get far better medical care than I ever have through an insurance company, and they get jerked around far less. But hey, like hospitals and doctors, I'm sure the quality of VA offices varies from place to place.
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I am so sorry you have had to go through so much heartache! I hope they rule in your favor!

We hear a lot about frivolous lawsuits, but most suits are legitimate, filed by people that have a right to hold these doctors accountable for what they have done, they just don't make the headlines. GOOD LUCK with your suit!
Nice to hear from intelligent, well-informed folks! I was starting to think that the insurance and pharmaceutical companies had scared us all off!
Thanks for asking! There are a lot of great answers given here and links to more info. Don't be afraid to ask a genuine question, just because some people can't play nice! I'm enjoying the responses!
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