does anyone raise Apenzeller Sptizhauben and sell fertile eggs?

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14 Years
Apr 28, 2007
rochester ny
Hi there just putting out the feelers for someone with these birds who might at some point have some fertile eggs to have a go at incubating.
dont want to waste anyone's time so i have to say Im not ready for these eggs yet, but am curious as to whether or not they would be available at some point in the next few weeks to months. I want to try the buff laced polish first:p
I have Spitz, but because of the heat, egg production is slowing down. I also will not ship when it is in the 90's or above.
good thinking...thanks for letting me know that someone on the forum has these cool looking birds though for when the weather cools down!
Let me know also when you have eggs available. I was just looking TODAY at those birds. They are Beautiful and i would love to hatch some out.

Thanks Bananas!

I have a quad of Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. I can usually get out between 6 - 9 eggs. I like to ship within 3 days of harvesting. I have pictures on my BYC page.

Just contact me if you are interested.
I have a trio of Apenzeller Spitzhaubens, but they are young yet and won't be laying until probably next spring.
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