Does patchy feathing point to the chick's gender?


Mar 27, 2020
Hi everyone, I have been asking around about the genders of my different chicks. I read in multiple places that patchy feathers point to rooster. After seeing this, I noticed that all my americanas have the patchy red feathers comming in! (Except for Dishy). My favorite, Phoenix, has it too, and I really want to know if I'm going to have to hide her/him from my neighbors!
Here is Phoenix


Phoenix has the smallest, thinnest feet and legs. A small, pale comb, and these betraying red patches!

Here is Dishy


Dishy has large feet, a small comb, and no red patches.

Thanks for any help with "patch knowledge" or gender help!
Patches of red on wings are more male coloring. Roosters also tend to have more patches of colors too.

Your bird’s patchy red colors are blending in with the rest of her partridge type pattern.

I tend to think a rooster’s colors make him stand out while a hen’s colors allow her to blend in.
Patches of red on wings are more male coloring.

Your bird’s patchy red colors are blending in with the rest of her pattern.

I tend to think a rooster’s colors make him stand out while a hen’s colors allow her to blend in.
Thanks! Does this mean you think "she's" a she?

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