Dog attacked my chicken so mad!

Some people should not own dogs. Shoving their face in something or tieing a chicken around their neck does nothing but teach them to fear you. It is not training. Sad
First it was my fault I had put my chickens in there run locked it then as I was walking back towards the house I noticed I left there food outside so I went back to the run and put it in there and I am guessing I closed it but didn't lock it. So roughly 3 hours later my grandma comes and yells Jenny (My dog) is trying to get at the chickens so I go outside and look around my dog is jumping on my wanting to play and I look at my chickens that normally stay in a pack and only 3/4 chickens where there the "Leader" of the pack was missing and I asked my grandma if she sees the other chicken and she says no but Jenny keeps going over there and at that point I knew she killed a chicken so as I am walking over to where my grandma pointed I see chicken claw marks and dog paw prints which indicate she was running and as I move closer my Biggest Best chicken is dead! The thing that gets me is that I've had these chickens for 2 and a half months and my dog has always been around them when they forage even when I am not watching directly and if my dog gets to close I tell her to stand back and she does she is only a Pomeranian/spaniel 1 year old only 15 pounds and she decides to have some fun and just kills a chicken! JUST KILLS IT FOR NO GOOD REASON! But like I said it's my fault so I didn't hit my dog or yell at her I calmly grabbed a rope and tied it to her for 5 hours my parents said it was to harsh but I don't think it is my dog KNOWS what she did and she knows not to go towards the chickens because I get on to her so after those 5 hours I just put her in her bed and ignored her gave her a dirty look every once and a while and hope that she learns. Sorry I just had to get that off my back I can't sleep!

So sorry.
It wasn't your fault necessarily just the dogs.
So some things before I start my story, this is my moms mom. I don't have a good relationship with her now either. Neither does my dad. We also had a rule that her dog wasn't allowed off a leash.

I had the same experience except it wasn't my dig it wad my grandmas. She has a Springer spaniel, it is half trained to hunt not fully since its brother died and my grandma just couldn't keep going with training hunting dogs.

My dad and I were out in the pasture with the tractor, our LGD was with us.
My grandma was at our house and had let this dog outside. My younger sister came down to the yard and this dog followed her down, my younger sister was 8 so she didn't think anything of it. My sister went back up to the house and the dog was down there killed 6 pullets. My dad and I came back to the yard and saw this dog with a chicken in its mouth our dog immediately went after her. My grandma saw and was yelling at our dog who was trying to protect ger flock, because she was afraid she would hurt her dog. Which is highly likely because her dog is about 40 pounds and ours is 105, but in my point of view I think her dog deserved a beating from ours.

My grandma then tried to put the blame on my younger sister. That's when my dad yelled at her to get the **** of our property and never bring the dog back again. She tried giving me money but I wouldn't take it.
I wasn't going to take any money from someone who tried to blame it on my sister. When it wasn't ger fault but my grandmas for letting the dog out.
We now have a NO DOG policy except for a family friend I go pheasant hunting with, his dog knows the difference between pheasants and chickens and pays no attention to mine. And my dad fist cousin and his wife who have chickens and their dog had been trained not to bug them.

I agree with birdwrangler057 rub her nose in that dead bird and say No. Make her no that she never does that again.
Hold live birds in front of her and tell her harshly that she is not allowed to even look at them.

Once a dog gets the taste of bird its hard to get it out same with cats.

I wish you luck.
So sorry.
It wasn't your fault necessarily just the dogs.
So some things before I start my story, this is my moms mom. I don't have a good relationship with her now either. Neither does my dad. We also had a rule that her dog wasn't allowed off a leash.

I had the same experience except it wasn't my dig it wad my grandmas. She has a Springer spaniel, it is half trained to hunt not fully since its brother died and my grandma just couldn't keep going with training hunting dogs.

My dad and I were out in the pasture with the tractor, our LGD was with us.
My grandma was at our house and had let this dog outside. My younger sister came down to the yard and this dog followed her down, my younger sister was 8 so she didn't think anything of it. My sister went back up to the house and the dog was down there killed 6 pullets. My dad and I came back to the yard and saw this dog with a chicken in its mouth our dog immediately went after her. My grandma saw and was yelling at our dog who was trying to protect ger flock, because she was afraid she would hurt her dog. Which is highly likely because her dog is about 40 pounds and ours is 105, but in my point of view I think her dog deserved a beating from ours.

My grandma then tried to put the blame on my younger sister. That's when my dad yelled at her to get the **** of our property and never bring the dog back again. She tried giving me money but I wouldn't take it.
I wasn't going to take any money from someone who tried to blame it on my sister. When it wasn't ger fault but my grandmas for letting the dog out.
We now have a NO DOG policy except for a family friend I go pheasant hunting with, his dog knows the difference between pheasants and chickens and pays no attention to mine. And my dad fist cousin and his wife who have chickens and their dog had been trained not to bug them.

I agree with birdwrangler057 rub her nose in that dead bird and say No. Make her no that she never does that again.
Hold live birds in front of her and tell her harshly that she is not allowed to even look at them.

Once a dog gets the taste of bird its hard to get it out same with cats.

I wish you luck.

Thanks for agreeing, bird dogs (dogs trained or bred to retrieve birds, Boykins, labs, etc.)are the best to have around fowl, they are highly sensitive at the mouth so naturally they cannot bight hard

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