Dog is back again

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Have you checked to see what the HOAs rules on dogs might be? Mine would never permit a dog to be unleashed FOR ANY REASON. Perhaps they could do something.

Ok I posted too soon. Should have read further. My apologies.

We had a dog in our neighborhood that was on a leash but that was too big for the owner to control. It got away from the owner and grabbed a terrier like the dog from Frasier. It crushed that dogs chest and it died. This was like a Tuesday. On the weekend, it got loose again and attacked a man who was walking. The dog picked the wrong time. Another person was also walking at the time and he was armed with a small 22. Thus ended the terror dog. My point, I do not have firearms in my house but after the first attack I began the process to get one. In a suburban development with an HOA.

An out of control dog that attacks an animal for fun will attack a child one day. I see no distinction nor will you convince me otherwise. I would not let that dog roam free out of respect for my fellow human beings.
They make live traps as big as you want. I would hot wire the coop anyway. Make it temporary. Just enough to let the dog get shocked a time or two then take it down.
Alternatively catching him and taking him to animal control. One of my dogs likes to kill chickens too. The last one he killed was tied to his neck. So far he hasnt bothered them. He wont mess with the adults but goes after tbe babies. He is a quarter American dingo (Carolina dog) so im fighting feral instincts.
Good luck.
Take pictures, too.
Definitely this.

Sounds good.

From the other side of the fence:
I own two chicken killers who regularly escape, despite our best efforts. They chew through metal. We have since upped our containment.
If one or both get out and attack or kill someone's livestock, then get killed themselves, I will not start a conflict with whoever disposed of my dogs. If my dogs are being a serious threat to someone's animals and they get to them before I do, they have the right to defend their animals. That's that. I love my dogs, but they don't trump someone's livelihood.
Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like this. If their dog gets out, kills a neighbor's animal or attacks someone, it's still somehow the neighbor's fault.

Try talking to your HOA again; terrible neighbor dog problem! Can one neighbor's pet go around killing another resident's pets??? Is this dog a danger to you in your yard? You seem worried about it.
This neighbor is legally responsible for the loss of your bird, and any reasonable person would have apologized, paid, and fixed the issue already.
Move to the boonies! No HOA! Electric fencing! A real flock!
It sounds like you can't really talk to your HOA since the dog's owner is the president. When it shows up at your place again, document with pictures and call AC. Tell them that you are concerned for your childrens' safety as well as that of your flock.

Put hotwire directly on coop / pen area so dog gets zapped when contacting it. It is likely that would not qualify as a fence and would not be at property border where it would be seen. If a dog owner complains, then you would have their admission the dog is on your property setting up so HOA can then act on dog trespassing issue.
This could be a viable option. If you have wire on your run already, a hotwire could be attached without being obvious. It would discourage the dog and protect your chickens. The neighbor wouldn't know his dog got zapped. It could be removed or even disconnected from the charger after it does its job on the dog. Take the charger indoors, put it away, and they have nothing to charge you with.

I would love to do this but neighbor in question is HOA president so I don't think that would help. I am sure they would fine us for the hot wire and find a way to call it an electric fence, or just change the wording in the rules. HOA's are awful. We had such a good experience with one at our last house, so this one came as a shock.
Do they live right next door? Would they see you attaching it to the coop and run?

We went through the HOA contract line by line. There is nothing about dogs being kept on owners property, unfortunately.
My husband has already said that he is sure they will sue us if their dog gets killed by AC or us. They apparently made comments about suing over lots of other piddly things before, so are litigation happy. They couldn't win, but can cost us money in court and lawyer fees. They have plenty of money. I really doubt we could get anything from them other than maybe $100 for the dead chicken. We will document everything anyway and cover our bases.
Sounds like you're being held hostage by this person. I feel badly for you. Documenting everything is a good plan. You have that for Law Enforcement or AC if you need it.

I will have to ask around and see. I haven't heard any other people complain, and when he came over the first time, and killed our chicken, the guy acted embarrassed and was apologetic. He said the dog hadn't gotten out from the wireless fence in years. I hadn't seen the dog out before the chicken killing. This time he was snarky, so maybe he was on the defensive since he knows what could happen.
Very possibly.
Honestly, I just want them to keep their dog where it belongs. I don't want to deal with a court case, or have this spiral out of control. I am not into drama...just want to live my life, have my chickens, and be left alone.
I hear ya, and feel badly that you have to go through this.

It said that no property was allowed to have electrifies wire and that any and all fencing had to be approved through the HOA board.
That's pretty specific. No electric wire anywhere, or just as fencing?

I'm with everyone else, get a trap (if you are not willing to shoot it) get a store bought chicken and put it in the trap. Once caught call animal control, don't tell them you know who's dog it is, hopefully it won't have a chip or tags.. (you can always take the tag off if he won't bite) that way if no chip or tag, they won't be able to contact the owner and the dog can be put up for adoption. Neighbor asks if you've seen their dog? no you haven't.. tell them if they didn't let it run loose, he'd not have run off.
Unfortunately, OP has already had contact with the dog owner, so would suspected first if dog disappeared. OP is not allowed to have a trap, and since they live in an HOA, I suspect would not be able to shoot it if it's on their property. Nor would it be safe to do so.
It said that no property was allowed to have electrifies wire and that any and all fencing had to be approved through the HOA board.
Don’t poison him, that’s mean to the dog and it’s not really his fault.
Ok, so you’re not allowed an “electric fence”. Just hang a couple lines of bare wire that happen to contact an extension cord with a broken wire...that’s not your fault, you’re not an electrician. The dog gets a poke and won’t come back, which is better for everyone, because it sounds like you won’t have any luck with the neighbors now that they’re set on being stubborn.
Definitely this.

Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like this. If their dog gets out, kills a neighbor's animal or attacks someone, it's still somehow the neighbor's fault.

It sounds like you can't really talk to your HOA since the dog's owner is the president. When it shows up at your place again, document with pictures and call AC. Tell them that you are concerned for your childrens' safety as well as that of your flock.

This could be a viable option. If you have wire on your run already, a hotwire could be attached without being obvious. It would discourage the dog and protect your chickens. The neighbor wouldn't know his dog got zapped. It could be removed or even disconnected from the charger after it does its job on the dog. Take the charger indoors, put it away, and they have nothing to charge you with.

Do they live right next door? Would they see you attaching it to the coop and run?

Sounds like you're being held hostage by this person. I feel badly for you. Documenting everything is a good plan. You have that for Law Enforcement or AC if you need it.

Very possibly.

I hear ya, and feel badly that you have to go through this.

That's pretty specific. No electric wire anywhere, or just as fencing?

Unfortunately, OP has already had contact with the dog owner, so would suspected first if dog disappeared. OP is not allowed to have a trap, and since they live in an HOA, I suspect would not be able to shoot it if it's on their property. Nor would it be safe to do so.
Animal control can get around the HOA, that isn't a problem.
This is an unfortunate and unpleasant situation. I hope it gets resolved. But I'd just like to say, I hope the comments about chocolate are being made tongue-in-cheek. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and can cause organ failure and a slow, lingering death. That's not a humane option. It's not the dog that needs to be made to suffer, it's the owner who is responsible for the dog and needs to be held accountable. Also, as one poster pointed out, in an area with enough close neighbors to necessitate an HOA, it's probably not safe to be discharging a firearm, so shooting the dog is probably not an option either. I think OP is on the right track involving the legal authorities and keeping her fences reinforced as much as possible. Remember she didn't post asking for advice, she came here to vent, she wanted our support, so let's all try to help her be a good neighbor while this gets resolved. Just because other people are not good neighbors does not mean we shouldn't be.
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