Dog thread!šŸ¾

Same here. We took both of my dogs off of the oral flea and tick preventatives after we adopted them. I felt very uncomfortable making my dogs eat those (relatively new) pesticides. I do however use Heartgard Plus for Luna and Interceptor Plus for Dorie.
I donā€™t like them eating the chemicals either

its what our vets prescribes and with one dog with a water phobia and another that needs washing frequently the spot-on ones donā€™t really work šŸ˜…. I think our vets have stopped using nexgard recently, maybe this is why
I donā€™t like them eating the chemicals either

its what our vets prescribes and with one dog with a water phobia and another that needs washing frequently the spot-on ones donā€™t really work šŸ˜…. I think our vets have stopped using nexgard recently, maybe this is why
Yeah, our vet recommended them as well. They don't even repel ticks! The tick has to bite the dog in order for the Bravecto, etc. to even work. That means the dogs can still easily get diseases like anaplasmosis.
That sounds pointless then šŸ˜… thankfully we only need it for fleas
Yeah, at least they showed me a list of other options that work on our tick population. I now use Provecta (generic K9 Advantix) along with the Lyme vaccine with great results. Thankfully we've never had a flea problem.
Yeah, at least they showed me a list of other options that work on our tick population. I now use Provecta (generic K9 Advantix) along with the Lyme vaccine with great results. Thankfully we've never had a flea problem.
I used to do the lymes vaccines but they didn't work very well, and in some they prevented the lymes but not the anaplasmosis. I also saw some dogs be more painful during infections so I stopped the lymes vaccines all together. I was so hopeful they would be the answer.
I used to do the lymes vaccines but they didn't work very well, and in some they prevented the lymes but not the anaplasmosis. I also saw some dogs be more painful during infections so I stopped the lymes vaccines all together. I was so hopeful they would be the answer.
My new vet told me the vaccine's gotten more effective over the years and is now around 90% effective, at least in our area. But, yes, nothing effectively prevents anaplasmosis as of right now. It's a bigger problem than Lyme in dogs here.
Five years ago today we brought Cleo home from a rescue..."on trial". We never took her back.

011919 Cleo 05 Ricoh.jpg

2023 (November)

She's 12 or 13 years old now.

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