Dog used pullets as a toy.. Help!


10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
Gosh where do I begin? my pup was outside and I didn't know it. Decided to play with my pullets and now their skin on there necks was pull off...(I think) you can see the meat and the skin and feather are just hanging there. They arr in shock I know it. they will open their eyes but GOSH I don't know what to do...should I wait and see if they Live? I don't think I can kill them myself...oh what do I do. Those poor things.
stitch it back together if it's only skin, get some antibiotic, keep the chicken in a warm room, give the dog a good slapping....

chicken skin is thin and not easily stitched. I've heard of feather stitching where you take feathers on either side and glue (or tie) them together. Clean the wounds with betadine and/or dilute Hydrogen peroxide. Add antibiotic cream (better than the gel since it breathes better, but the gel will do if that is all you have). If you can get access to it, put them on an antibiotic such as Auremycin. I know it sounds like overkill, but dogs mouths are dirty.

I had two miniature pinschers get into my yard last fall and attacked two of my hens. Below is the link to the post regarding the incident.

Hope it helps. We had the in the house to recuperate for about 3-4 weeks so that they'd be safe from pecking, dirt, etc. No dirt baths! They healed 100% and you'd never know anything happened. They are back to happy, egg-laying girls.
Thank you all for answering me but I'm a newby to this and I have no chicken meds. I put them in their house and covered them with a warm towel. That pry wont help but I can't hurt them. I don't have anything to stich them up with either. (I don't think I could do that anyhow) I'll have to check and see if my grandpa has any antibotics. and yes I gave the dog a swiff kick in the rear and she knows I'm mad. But since she's a pup I'll give her a second chance. Those poor girls just started laying eggs 2 weeks ago. I was so happy. They were my first chickens. I think they will die, its cold outside.
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Can you bring them in and put them in a dog carrier or something? Do you have any neosporin and/or hydrogen peroxide to clean and protect the wounds?
they mend well from superficial cuts and wounds... as long as it does not get infected. You can use normal small sewing needle in an emergency.
Pull the wound shut and super glue it together... Most hospitals are using this method on small wounds instead of stitches... heals faster without a scar! Plus it's easy...

Just clean the wound with peroxide and dab some neosporin on it then glue it together to keep it closed... Keep them warm and plenty of food and water out and they should come around...
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Be sure to keep them separate from the flock also. Chickens are terrible for picking at each other's wounds, making them a lot more serious.

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